Mẹo Hướng dẫn Call for reviewers ED gov 2022 2022
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Last Call, New, Reminder
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Last Call! Notice Inviting Applications: Indian Education Formula Grants to LEAs
- Deadlines:
- Part I of Electronic Application System for Indian Education (EASIE) Applications Available: February 8, 2022.Deadline for Transmittal of EASIE Part I: March 11, 2022.Part II of EASIE Applications Available: April 5, 2022.Deadline for Transmittal of EASIE Part II: May 14, 2022.
For More Information Contact: Dr. Crystal C. Moore, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, MS 6335, Washington, DC 20202-6335. Telephone: (202) 215-3964. E-Mail: . For technical questions about the EASIE application and uploading documentation, contact the Partner Support Center (PSC). Telephone: 877-457-3336. E-Mail: .
Last Call! June Nelson Memorial Scholarship
The Association of Alaska School Boards is proud to announce its 30th Annual Scholarship Award Competition! The June Nelson Memorial Scholarship is named in honor of the late June Nelson, longtime school board thành viên from Kotzebue. June contributed much to the cause of education and will be remembered for her outstanding service on behalf of Alaska’s children. This 2022-2022 school year, AASB will award fifteen graduating seniors each with a $1,500 scholarship to apply toward their post-secondary education. The scholarship may be applied toward the student’s choice of a business, trade, or a college institution. The deadline to apply is March 8, 2022.
Last Call! UAA School of Education Seeking Comment
The School of Education the University of Alaska Anchorage is hosting an accreditation visit by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) the week of March 15, 2022. Interested parties are invited to submit third-party comments to the site team. Please note that comments must address substantive matters relating to the quality of professional education programs offered and should specify the partys relationship to the provider (i.e., graduate, present or former faculty thành viên, employer of graduates). Anonymous testimony will not be considered. E-Mail to submit comments. The deadline to submit comment is March 12, 2022.
NEW! U.S. ED Seeks Peer Reviewers for Alaska Native Education Program Grants
The U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE) is seeking peer reviewers for theFY 2022 Alaska Native Education (ANE) program grant competition. It is anticipated that the virtual grant competition peer review will convene in April or May of 2022. The application deadline has been extended to March 15. Only Alaskan entities may apply for ANEP grants, but last year, most of the ANEP grant peer reviewers were from the Lower 48. It is important that the people reviewing Alaskans ANEP grant applications understand Alaska (including geography, strengths, and challenges) and the needs of Alaska Native students and communities.
NEW! Prince William Sound College announces summer for Teachers events
Each of these professional development courses awards you three 500-level credits and your cost to attend, including tuition, housing, and some travel, is paid for through grant funding. Each course will mix content instruction with discussions on the Alaska teaching standards, the Alaska Cultural standards, thematic lesson planning, place-based learning, and the inclusion of Indigenous Knowledge/Indigenous Science in the curriculum. Each course includes outdoor activities as part of the learning process. Learn more: ://
NEW! Registration is open for AASBs secondLegislativeAcademy
This academy on March 20 is a unique opportunity for education advocates from around the state to come together to learn about what is currently driving the legislature, and how together, school board members can engage legislators in crafting solutions to the challenges districts face.
Sessions include: Legislative Priorities & Bill Review, Advocacy Sessions, and Like Size District Forums. To register, visit: ://
NEW! FDA Releases New Agricultural Biotechnology Curriculum for Middle and High School Students
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing the availability ofScience and Our Food Supply: Exploring Food Agriculture and Biotechnology, a new, không lấy phí and trực tuyến supplemental curriculum for middle and high school students on the science behind genetically engineered plants. This curriculum is the latest release of the FDAs award-winning supplemental curriculum seriesScience and Our Food Supply. Through labs, activities, and interactive discussions, the curriculum aims to help teachers instruct middle and high school students about traditional and modern agricultural methods, with a focus on genetic engineering and genome editing techniques that are used to produce foodscommonly called GMOs.
NEW! Alaska Regional Tsunami Bowl presents Ocean Connections Virtual Art Show
The Regional Tsunami Bowl competition will be held virtually March 26- 28th, 2022, with the Ocean Connections Art Show beginning two weeks prior on March 15th. The awards for each category, as well as Best inShowand new this year- People’s Choice award, will be announced during the recognition ceremony on March 27.
For submissionsstudents will be asked to scan or send a high resolution photograph of their artwork to this email,by 5:00pm on March 15, 2022. An entry form that needs to be signed by participating students and a parent/guardian can be found on theOcean ConnectionsArtShowEvent Page.
Curriculum Resources for Teaching About Sled Dogs and Mushing in Alaska
Looking for new ways to incorporate sled dogs, mushing, and its place in Alaska history and culture into your classroom? Check out these two great webpages:
A-CHILL: A collaborative project across the schools & communities of Alaska Gateway and Yukon Koyukuk School Districts. (://
George Attla Making of a Champion: 54 Years of Competitive Sled Dog Racing: 1958-2011 (://attlamakingofachampion/)
Outer Coast recruiting students for Summer Seminar 2022 and Outer Coast Year 2022-22
Outer Coastis a new post-secondary institution in Sitkathat offers atransformative, immersive, student-governed education for students from across Alaska and around the world. Rising high school juniors and seniorsare eligible for the Summer Seminar, andgraduating seniors or recent graduatesare eligible for the Year.Cost will not be a barrier to attendance. Nominate a student, or apply Applications are due by April 4. For more information, contact.
Fairbanks Arts announces the 26th Statewide Poetry Contest
Writers of all ages are invited to participate in the contest. As a celebration of literary artistry, this contest aims to encourage, publicize, and reward the writing of high-quality poetry in Alaska. The contests divisions include elementary, middle, high school, and adult. Entries will be accepted through the end of Monday, March 15, 2022. The entry fee is $4 per poem for adults and $3 per poem for elementary, middle, and high school students, though class submissions have a bulk rate of $1 per poem. Winners of the contest will receive cash prizes and an invitation to share their poetry virtually in a reading in April, which is National Poetry Month.
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals 2022 Civics Contest
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals is pleased to invite Alaskas high school students to write essays or create videos that speak to this years topic: What Does Our American Community Ask of Us?
The contests web site presents engaging materials that your students will be able to access trực tuyến, không lấy phí of charge. You can find them under the resources tab of the website. Access the complete set of materials here: :// Entries are due March 17.
Resource Manual for Transitioning from Secondary to Postsecondary Education for Students with Disabilities
Lee Waters, Ed.D. with the Anchorage School District in collaboration with the UAA Center for Human Development LEND Without Walls has created a manual to assist all those involved with the education of students with disabilities. This manual is designed to be a helpful resource for anyone involved with the transitional needs of students with disabilities from secondary to postsecondary education. The manual is available through ASDs website: ://
Small Rural School Achievement Grant Application Available
The U.S. Department of Education published in the Federal Register this morning a notice about the availability of, and application deadline for, fiscal year (FY) 2022 SRSA (Small Rural School Achievement) grant applications. You can access the notice this link, which includes eligibility and other important information. Applications are available now and the deadline for districts to apply is April 16th.
The Anchorage Festival of Music announces the 2022 Ted Stevens Young Alaskan Artist Award Competition
Young Alaskans pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree or program in music an accredited institution are encouraged to apply for the 2022 Ted Stevens Young Alaska Artist Award. Winners receive a substantial monetary award and are presented in a full-length solo recital. The deadline is May 28, 2022. The application may be downloaded
For questions, please contact Juliana Osinchuk, Young Alaskan Artist Award Director, 907-351-6392, or Laura Koenig, Artistic Director, Anchorage Festival of Music, 907-227-2010
Summer Camp Leader is a great opportunity for someone exploring the field of outdoor education, or for an experiences educator looking to expand. This position is in the field leading groups of elementary to middle school aged children as they explore the natural history of Juneau. Educators will work week-long day camps for most of the summer. The position is full time, with 35-40 hours a week starting a rate of $15-16 per hour DOE. Educators will work 7-9 weeks of camp, with 1 week of training prior to camp, and a mid-summer training, additional weeks off may be negotiable. Go to Discovery Southeasts webpage for more information and to apply, or direct questions to .
NASF Centennial School Tree Challenge Grant, Extended!
The Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Forestry has extended The National Association of State Foresters (NASF) Centennial School Tree Challenge. Grants are available to schoolsfor the purchase, shipping, and planting of trees. Trees can be planted on school grounds, or even indoors if your school has a suitable space or a greenhouse. This opportunity is first come first served and is available until funds are exhausted. NEW: Participating schools will be eligible to receive a FREE curriculum from Project Learning Tree!
COVID-19 has brought exceptional challenges to us all during the past year, and it’s no surprise that educators have once again shown courage, strength, and resiliency. Plant a tree your school in honor of your school’s heroes! Create a memorial grove of trees in memory of your community members who have lost lives to COVID-19. Use this grant to create a new outdoor classroom surrounded by trees for a healthy learning environment!
Notice Inviting Applications: Alaska Native Education Program
- Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: April 12, 2022.Contact for Further Information: Almita Reed, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, room 3E222, Washington, DC 20202. Telephone: (202) 260-1979. E-Mail: .
Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PEAMST) Nomination Period for 7-12 Educators Now Open
The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) are the highest honors bestowed by the United States government specifically for K-12 science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and/or computer science teaching. The Awards were established by Congress in 1983. The President may recognize up to 108 exemplary teachers each year. To read more about the program, nominate a 7-12 teacher, or view the application packet, please visit ://
Air Force ROTC Scholarship Program
The Air Force ROTC High School Scholarship Program gives high school seniors financial aid for college, followed by a guaranteed career in the Air Force (or Space Force!) upon graduation. If youre curious about Air Force ROTCs scholarship opportunities, the adventures youll have and the family youll discover within the program, or the thrill of becoming a confident leader in the worlds greatest Air Force or Space Force, please contact Sarah J. Boggins, 2d Lt, USAF. She is there to answer any and all of your questions!
Stories of Women in STEM the Smithsonian
Stories of Women in STEM the Smithsonianfeatures biographies of trailblazing women who made history through their scientific discoveries and innovation. From aerospace engineer and mathematician Mary Golda Ross to hair care entrepreneur Madam C.J. Walker, learn how women have defied gender stereotypes and overcome structural barriers to advance the science, technology, engineering, and math industry. Read on Apple Books or via the web.
Districts can Register for Alaskas School Climate & Connectedness Survey
All school districts are invited to participate in the 2022 School Climate & Connectedness Survey (SCCS).Schools are looking quite different this year. But no matter what shape learning is happening in your district-remotely, in-person, or blended, it is essential for students, staff, and families to feel safe and connected. Taking SCCS will provide you with student, staff, and student perceptions on how they are doing now.For the 2022 school year, additional questions have been added to better understand the needs of students, staff, and families during COVID-19.
For more information and to register go to::// email Jenni Lefing .
The U.S. Department of Education is Seeking Education Success Stories
USED is looking to highlight education success stories and best practices. Teachers, parents, or student ambassadors are invited to draft a blog post about their successful transition to the classroom or hybrid teaching model that includes innovative or unique ways students are being educated in this new set of circumstances. The first blog in the series featuring a school teacher in New Hampshire is here. Contact Susan Falconer, USED, for more information.
The Parents Guide to Filling out the FAFSA Form
While the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is the students application, we know that parents often play a large role in the process. With that in mind, the U.S. Department of Education wanted to provide instructions for parents who are starting the FAFSA form on behalf of their child.
Latest COVID-19 Response Resources from the REL Program
In response to COVID-19, the 10 Regional Educational Laboratories (RELs) have collaborated to produce a series of evidence-based resources and information about teaching and learning in a remote environment, as well as other considerations brought by the pandemic.
- Re-thinking Education Accountability Systems in Light of COVID-19Back-to-School Metrics: How to Assess Conditions for Teaching and Learning and to Measure Student Progress During the COVID-19 PandemicPromising Practices and Approaches to Support Remote LearningStrategies for Educators to Support the Social and Emotional Needs of Students Impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Demand for Racial Justice: Plans for Reopening SchoolsSupporting Students Experiencing Trauma During the COVID-19 Pandemic
U.S. Department of Education Releases Parent and Family Digital Learning Guide
The U.S. Department of Education released a new Parent and Family Digital Learning Guide, a resource to help parents and guardians understand how digital tools can provide tailored learning opportunities, engage students with course materials, encourage creative expression, and enrich the educational experience.
UA Dual Enrollment Resources
Are you interested in dual enrollment opportunities the University of Alaska? Members of the University of Alaska Transition Coalition (UATC) are available to assist with curriculum alignment, dual enrollment, and other opportunities that tư vấn the transition of secondary students to continue their training and education the postsecondary level.
Girls Who Code trang chủ Activities
Girls Who Code releases không lấy phí computer science activities for students, educators, and parents on Mondays. Some trực tuyến, some offline, of varying levels of difficulty. Each activity features a woman in tech who pioneered innovative technology.
PPE for Schools and Districts
Get Us PPE is a national nonprofit that has delivered almost 2.5 million pieces of personal protective equipment (PPE) to frontline workers. They are launching a program to get PPE to schools không lấy phí of charge by matching schools and districts with local maker communities (groups that sew, 3D print, or otherwise produce “made” PPE).Interested parties can take this survey on PPE needs.
Google Educators Group of Alaska
Google Educators Group (GEG) are independently run communities of educators who inspire and empower each other to meet the needs of students through technology both in the classroom and beyond. Via face-to-face meet-ups and trực tuyến activities, GEGs provide a way for educators who are passionate about education and technology to meet like-minded people and share, learn, and collaborate together.
Awareness Materials on Family and Youth Homelessness
As a result of the pandemic, and without the usual methods of outreach and identification, many families and youth experiencing homelessness may be even more disconnected from school and early childhood programs. The SchoolHouse Connection created PSAs and a social truyền thông toolkit to help raise awareness and provide information around educational rights.
Learning Computer Science While Schools are Closed want to tư vấn teachers, students, and families while students are learning from home. Theyre offering resources for parents and teachers. Plus, options for smartphones for anyone who doesnt have a computer home.
Online Story Circles for Educators and Community Members
Educator Story Circles are opportunities for small groups of people (educators and engaged community members) to gather together to listen and share thoughts and stories related to a common theme. No preparation is necessary, and each participant has the option to share or simply listen to others. Story Circles arent about performing. Rather, the purpose is to listen and connect. Participants who want to lead Story Circles with their own students or community members will have access to a không lấy phí toolkit and will be eligible for a $200 stipend from the Alaska Humanities Forum.
Ready to Read Alaska
Ready to Read Alaska is a statewide initiative for families and caregivers of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers in Alaska. The programs mission is to promoteearly literacydevelopment in Alaskas young children to create the foundations needed for when a child begins to learn to read. Ready to Read is posting training videos on YouTube, and literacy tips, book recommendations, crafts, and activities on Instagram.
To submit news items, please email . This newsletter is available weekly and in archived form ://
This newsletter contains hyperlinks to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations. These links are provided for the readers convenience. DEED does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information. Furthermore, the inclusion of links is not intended to reflect their importance, nor is it intended to endorse any views expressed, or products or services offered, on these sites, or the organizations sponsoring the sites.
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- Main Phone: (907) 465-2800Main Fax: (907) 465-4156Webmaster:More Contact Information
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- Phone:(907) 465-2831Fax:(907) 465-2441E-Mail:
If you require assistance, please call DEED (907) 465-2800or via TTY/Alaska Relay 7-1-1 or1-800-770-8973, or email our webmaster . For more information about accessibility DEED, please visit our accessibility page.
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