Kinh Nghiệm Hướng dẫn kim jong-il là gì – Nghĩa của từ kim jong-il Chi Tiết

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kim jong-il nghĩa là

A small (5 foot 2 inches) Korean with a very small penis and hairy back. Has a ridiculous balding hairdo which looks like someone threw a wig in a cotton candy machine and glued the mess to his head, smells of old socks and has the fashion sense of a blind autistic child. Also cannot spek Engrish good.

Leader of a cruddy subcountry known as North Korea which houses a few half-assed nuclear weapons and a lot of starving gooks.

ExampleKim Jong Il: I am cool
Dude: You are short, grow away

kim jong-il nghĩa là

With his trademark bouffant hairdo, designer sunglasses, and tan tracksuit, “Dear Leader” Kim Jong Il, is the quinessential mad dictator. Ruling over the impoverished and isolated nation of North Korea, Kim Jong Il has been responsible for the mass starvation, torture, and opression of millions of people. He has also perpetrated an insane personality cult centering around him and his late father Kim Il Sung. The dictator has also taken an interest in nuclear weaponry and acts of state sponsored terrorism.

ExampleKim Jong Il drinks imported cognac and dines on fresh lobster while his people eat grass off the hillsides.

kim jong-il nghĩa là

Born Feb. 16, 1942, also known as the “Dear Leader,” the dictator of North Korea. Chairman of the National Defence Committee and General Secretary of the Korean Workers’ Party.

While his citizens are starving (except in Pyongyang), he drinks cognac, eats lobsters, has 10,000 wines in his cellar, collects Mazda RX-7s, and sleeps with many women (he prefers occidental blondes).

Essentially, a militaristic, immoral, midget (he wears platforms to disguise his stature) worse than Bush and Hussein combined. Believes he can take on Nhật bản and the United States (the two most powerful economies of the world, each with a considerable military). Kidnaps South Korean and Japanese people and trains them as spies. Runs several internment camps for his opponents where they are starved, tortured, and executed publicly.

One way to get him out is to get China to cooperate. Without China, North Korea will be isolated. Except China will not do this because she also dislikes the United States and Nhật bản. What a convenient country is North Korea for China.

Another is to cut all aids and funding. Sure, his people are going to starve, but HE is the principal cause. He will once again blackmail with nuclear weapons. If he uses one on Nhật bản or the United States, that will mark his end anyway.

Final way is to attack. But there is no chance that he can withstand a full-scale attack by the United States, with South Korean and possibly Japanese tư vấn. Then he will be forced to use his nuclear weapons. Extreme risk, but a definite way to get rid of this sociopathic imbecile.

ExampleKim Jong-Il must go to hell

kim jong-il nghĩa là

Crazy Asian midget who rules North Korea. He enjoys making nukes and starving his own people. He is also said to be a threat to President Bush.

ExampleKim Jong-il wants North Korea to start a war with the USA.

kim jong-il nghĩa là

Stupid Commie foo’.

ExampleKim Jong Il is A stupid Commie who starved his people.

kim jong-il nghĩa là

The brother of Mental Li-il

Examplehihihi, Kim Jong-il , mental li-il, thats so funny

kim jong-il nghĩa là

the only leader in the world whos not afraid to bust Bush’s ass

Examplekim jong-il is a jackass, but hes got guts

kim jong-il nghĩa là

The most fashionable and possibly most popularized dictator of all time.

ExampleBob: Kim Jong-il is going to nuke us!

Bill: He has cool sunglasses

kim jong-il nghĩa là

A (now dead) communist leader. The misinformed may think that he is an actor, singer or dancer, but in fact he is not.

ExampleKim Jong Il has died
But he is on Pluto now
Fighting a robot

kim jong-il nghĩa là

Probably the funniest man alive. this nigga is one of the few if not only nigga to stand up to all other countries he thinks is whack. this rebel fires missiles when he feels like it, even if it means 80% of his citizens are dyin. niggaas got no morals but makes up fo it with his great collection of wine, cognac, mercedes, and his private army (which is the second largest in the world only after the US. hah, sike. well in number only lmfao)
as in real life, theres always gotta b a “bad guy” in order to maintain balance of power and morals. well, jongil is one of the worlds few “ultra bad guys” and hes necessary in order to have a reason for the existence of the CIA, MI7, and various other counter intelligence organizations which would be left jobless without the so called villains. too bad hes gon die one day. but by then the other funny psycho dictator will take his father’s place as dictator of north korea.

this tradition of N.K. will continue until the public realizes their situation despite the stateoftheart propaganda of NK. and when NK collapses, the world will realize tht they made amistake. without NK, the US alone wud have quite a fewextra jobless people trained to kill people and sabotage countries. and well then, those human killers wud b wuite pissed the US president and wud most likely start a revolt. funy part is that theyd actually fuck up the government. lets hope tht doesnt happen lolll.

Exampleperson1: yoo son i jus heard about this dictator in japan tht starves his people and fires missiles!

person2: u mean kim jong-il of NK?

person1: yee

person2: nigga, u deadass gon tell me this is news? shits been goin on for half a centur. its a NK tradition and lifestyle.

person1: thats horrible, i hope kimjong also starves

person2: lmfao. yo tht nigga has a fleet of merc on deck with some

fuckin limited hennessee XO cognac and a set of mansions thruout NK. in short, he a G haha

person1: damn, nigs livin the life


Video kim jong-il là gì – Nghĩa của từ kim jong-il ?

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