Thủ Thuật Hướng dẫn badger badger badger là gì – Nghĩa của từ badger badger badger Chi Tiết

Quý khách đang tìm kiếm từ khóa badger badger badger là gì – Nghĩa của từ badger badger badger được Update vào lúc : 2022-04-03 05:10:27 . Với phương châm chia sẻ Bí kíp Hướng dẫn trong nội dung bài viết một cách Chi Tiết 2022. Nếu sau khi tìm hiểu thêm nội dung bài viết vẫn ko hiểu thì hoàn toàn có thể lại phản hồi ở cuối bài để Tác giả lý giải và hướng dẫn lại nha.

badger badger badger nghĩa là

a video about … a bunch of badgers

Ví dụbadger badger badger… mushroom mushroom

badger badger badger nghĩa là

A video about badgers, mushrooms and snakes of which several updated versions have been released such as the Christmas version, which has Badgers dressed as Santa, the mushrooms replaced by presents and the snake being replaced by a young Jesus Christ.

Repetitive genius.

Ví dụbadger badger badger… mushroom mushroom
A video about badgers, mushrooms and snakes of which several updated versions have been released such as the Christmas version, which has Badgers dressed as Santa, the mushrooms replaced by presents and the snake being replaced by a young Jesus Christ.

badger badger badger nghĩa là

Ah snake, snake, a snake, ah its a snake…

Ví dụbadger badger badger… mushroom mushroom

badger badger badger nghĩa là

A video about badgers, mushrooms and snakes of which several updated versions have been released such as the Christmas version, which has Badgers dressed as Santa, the mushrooms replaced by presents and the snake being replaced by a young Jesus Christ.

Ví dụbadger badger badger… mushroom mushroom

badger badger badger nghĩa là

A video about badgers, mushrooms and snakes of which several updated versions have been released such as the Christmas version, which has Badgers dressed as Santa, the mushrooms replaced by presents and the snake being replaced by a young Jesus Christ.

Repetitive genius.

Ví dụAh snake, snake, a snake, ah its a snake…
Badger badger badger
A flash file featuring badgers, snakes and mushrooms.
Badger badger badger is the most retarded thing I’ve ever seen.
An intellectual movie in which several badgers dance and sing. They appear to be singing “badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger” (etc) and then “mushroom, MUSHROOM!”

badger badger badger nghĩa là

A Song played on .badgerbadgerbadger

Ví dụWhat they really are singing is “magic magic magic magic magic magic” and then “mushroom, MUSHROOM!”

badger badger badger nghĩa là

The occasional incident in which they articulate the beautiful word “snake,” they say something like “oohhh a snake, it’s a snaaaake” but if you listen closely it sounds like “hallucinate.”
Badger badger badger badger badger MUSHROOM, MUSHROOM.

Magic magic magic magic magic MUSHROOM, MUSHROOM.

(Listen closely.)

Ví dụA Song played on .badgerbadgerbadger
badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger mushroom mushroom” and repeat.

badger badger badger nghĩa là

This definition is a response to “Your mom reeks of butter”‘s definition.

Ví dụmagic mushrooms affect a part of the primitive brain structures known as the limbic system, in particular the thalamus. the thalamus controls messages coming into the brain from the rest of the nervous system, and messages going from the brain to the rest of the nervous system. in other words, motor function (movement) and physical sensation. take to many and you’ll reduce it’s size and effectiveness, so you end up being unable to control your impulses eg aggression like a snake and you’ll badger badger badger people and you will feel different, often unpleasant and wired, not peace, within yourself.


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