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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

/ klin /

See synonyms for: clean / cleaned / cleaner / cleanest on Thesaurus

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

adjective, clean·er, clean·est.

không lấy phí from dirt; unsoiled; unstained: She bathed and put on a clean dress.

không lấy phí from foreign or extraneous matter: clean sand.

không lấy phí from pollution; unadulterated; pure: clean air; clean water.

habitually không lấy phí of dirt: Cats are considered clean animals.

characterized by a fresh, wholesome quality: the clean smell of pine.

không lấy phí from all writing or marking: a clean sheet of paper.

having few or no corrections; easily readable: The publisher demanded clean proofs from the printer.

không lấy phí from roughness or irregularity: He made a clean cut with a razor.

not ornate; gracefully spare; forceful and simple; trim; streamlined: a clean literary style; the clean lines of a ship.

complete; unqualified: a clean break with tradition.

morally pure; innocent; upright; honorable: to lead a clean life.

showing good sportsmanship; fair: a clean fighter.

inoffensive in language or content; without obscenity.

(of a document, record, etc.) bearing no marks of discreditable or unlawful conduct; listing no offenses: a clean driver’s license.


innocent of any crime. not having a criminal record. carrying or containing no evidence of unlawful activity or intent, as controlled substances, unlicensed weapons, or contraband: The agents searched the car for drugs, but it was clean. not using narcotics.

(of a nuclear weapon) producing little or no radioactive fallout.

(of a document or financial instrument) không lấy phí from qualifications or restrictions: a clean bill of lading.

không lấy phí from defects or flaws: a clean diamond.

không lấy phí from encumbrances or obstructions.

neatly or evenly made or proportioned; shapely; trim: a clean profile.

made without any unanticipated difficulty or interference: The bank robbers made a clean getaway.

Chiefly Biblical. having no physical or moral blemish or carrying no taboo so as to make impure according to the laws, especially the dietary or ceremonial laws: a clean animal; clean persons.

dexterously performed; adroit: a clean serve in tennis.

(of a jump over an obstacle) made without touching the obstacle.

Slang. having no direct associations, business interests, etc., that could prejudice one’s official acts or decisions: The new governor is clean because he’s sold his construction business and doesn’t owe political favors to anyone.

Slang. without money or funds.

(of wine) having a taste that is unusually refreshing and smooth.

Nautical. (of an anchorage, harbor, etc.) không lấy phí of obstructions or hazards (opposed to foul).

(of the legs of a horse) không lấy phí from injury or blemish, as capped hocks, splints, or scars.

Foreign Exchange. (of currency floats) not influenced by exchange-rate manipulation (opposed to dirty).

adverb, clean·er, clean·est.

in a clean manner; cleanly: Nobody wants to box with him because he doesn’t fight clean.

so as to be clean: This shirt will never wash clean.

Informal. wholly; completely; quite: The sharp carving knife sliced clean through the roast.In a year, he had gone clean through his inheritance.

to make clean: Clean those dirty shoes.

to remove or consume the contents of; empty; clear: She sat down to dinner ravenous and within five minutes had cleaned her plate.

to remove the entrails and other inedible parts from (poultry, fish, etc.); dress.

Slang. to take away or win all or almost all the money or possessions of (often followed by out): The cards were marked and I got cleaned.

Metallurgy. to remove the seams from (a casting) by filing or grinding.

Philately. to delete intentionally the cancellation from (a postage or revenue stamp).

verb (used without object)

to perform or undergo a process of cleaning: This kind of fabric cleans easily.Detergents clean better than most soaps.

to get rid of dirt, soil, etc. (often followed by up): to spend the morning cleaning.

clean out,

to empty in order to straighten or clean. to use up; exhaust: He had cleaned out his savings.Informal. to drive out by force. to empty or rid (a place) of occupants, contents, etc.: Eager customers cleaned out the store on the first day of the sale. The thief cleaned out the safe.Slang. to cause to lose all or almost all one’s money or possessions.

clean up,

to wash or tidy up. to rid of undesirable persons or features: They cleaned up the local bars. to put an end to; finish: to clean up yesterday’s chores.Informal. to make a large profit: They cleaned up in the stock market.

11 unsullied, chaste, virtuous.

19 unblemished, flawless.

35 scour, scrub, sweep, brush, wipe, mop, dust, wash, rinse, lave, deterge, purify, clear; decontaminate.

See synonyms for clean on Thesaurus

No matter how many times you clean something, it always gets dirty again. Why?! Well, actually, that unobtainable sense of perfection goes all the way back to this word’s origin. Take a look.



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clean full, Nautical.

(of a sail or sails) filled with wind; rap full. (of a sailing vessel) with all sails full of wind; rap full.

clean house, to wipe out corruption, inefficiency, etc., as in an organization: It’s time for the city government to clean house.

clean up one’s act. act (def. 29).

come clean, Slang. to tell the truth, especially to admit one’s guilt.

eat clean, to reduce one’s consumption of processed and refined foods in favor of whole foods: Raising our children to eat clean has been easier than we expected.

First recorded before 900; Middle English clene, Old English clǣne “pure, clear,” cognate with Old High German kleini (German klein “small”)

1. Clean, clear, pure refer to freedom from soiling, flaw, stain, or mixture. Clean refers especially to freedom from soiling: a clean shirt. Clear refers particularly to freedom from flaw or blemish: a clear pane of glass. Pure refers especially to freedom from mixture or stain: a pure metal; not diluted but pure and full strength. 35. Clean, cleanse refer to removing dirt or impurities. To clean is the general word with no implication of method or means: to clean windows, a kitchen, streets. Cleanse is especially used of thorough cleaning by chemical or other technical process; figuratively it applies to moral or spiritual purification: to cleanse parts of machinery; to cleanse one’s soul of guilt.

cleanness, nounhalf-cleaned, adjectiveo·ver·clean, adjectiveo·ver·clean·ly, adverb

o·ver·clean·ness, nounpre·clean, verb (used with object)re·clean, verb (used with object)su·per·clean, adjectiveun·cleaned, adjective

1. clean , cleanse2. cleanliness, cleanness

claytonia, CLC, cld., -cle, Clea, clean, cleanability, clean and jerk, clean as a whistle, clean bill of health, clean breast

Dictionary Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022

blank, bright, clear, elegant, fresh, graceful, hygienic, immaculate, neat, orderly, pure, simple, spotless, squeaky clean, tidy, unblemished, washed, aseptic, wholesome, decent

    It takes me the better part of an hour to load the dishwasher, hand-wash piles of other dishes, clean the counters and cooktop, and tidy the floor.

    The player walks over to clean it up and walks away from Doyle.

    Marty Schottenheimer, one of the NFL’s winningest coaches, dies 77“It is our duty and our responsibility to present a clean case file to the prosecutor,” Capt.

    He said that he’d isolate, then get a coronavirus test before coming into my home, showing up with a clean bill of health.

    After that, they say, it’s safe to rehang feeders — if you’re diligent about cleaning them.

    With Charlie Hebdo, “you really have a clean case here,” Shearer said.

    This is a guy who has his son-in-law clean his eyeglasses, for crying out loud.

    Millions of dollars in renovation later the building is gorgeous—Clean, well-kept, organized.

    “Clean as a whistle,” says a senior investigator involved in the case.

    Clean-shaven and balding, Saleem is in his forties and walks with a limp.

    He shall give his mind to finish the glazing, and his watching to make clean the furnace.

    The Bible, Douay-Rheims Version|Various

    And I will turn my hand to thee, and I will clean purge away thy dross, and I will take away all thy tin.

    The Bible, Douay-Rheims Version|Various

    A groom is a chap, that a gentleman keeps to clean his ‘osses, and be blown up, when things go wrong.

    The Book of Anecdotes and Budget of Fun;|Various

    The sun was palely shining upon dry, clean pavements and upon roads juicy with black mud.

    Hilda Lessways|Arnold Bennett

    Who could have believed that only a fortnight ago these same figures were clean as new pins; smart and well-liking!

    Gallipoli Diary, Volume I|Ian Hamilton

without dirt or other impurities; unsoiled

without anything in it or on ita clean page

without extraneous or foreign materials

without defect, difficulties, or problemsa clean test flight

(of a nuclear weapon) producing little or no radioactive fallout or contamination uncontaminatedCompare dirty (def. 11)

(of a wound, etc) having no pus or other sign of infection

without objectionable language or obscenitya clean joke

(of printer’s proofs, etc) relatively không lấy phí from errors; easily readableclean copy

thorough or completea clean break

dexterous or adroita clean throw

sport played fairly and without fouls

simple in designa ship’s clean lines

aeronautics causing little turbulence; streamlined

(of an aircraft) having no projections, such as rockets, flaps, etc, into the airstream

honourable or respectable

(esp of a driving licence) showing or having no record of offences


innocent; not guilty not carrying illegal drugs, weapons, etc

nautical (of a vessel)

having its bottom clean having a satisfactory bill of health

Old Testament

(of persons) không lấy phí from ceremonial defilement (of animals, birds, and fish) lawful to eat

New Testament morally and spiritually pure

clean sweep See sweep (def. 33)

to make or become không lấy phí of dirt, filth, etcthe stove cleans easily

(tr) to remove in making cleanto clean marks off the wall

(tr) to prepare (fish, poultry, etc) for cookingto clean a chicken

not standard (intensifier)clean forgotten; clean dead

clean bowled cricket bowled by a ball that breaks the wicket without hitting the batsman or his bat

come clean informal to make a revelation or confession

the act or an instance of cleaninghe gave his shoes a clean

cleanable, adjectivecleanness, noun

Old English clǣne; related to Old Frisian klēne small, neat, Old High German kleini

Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

In addition to the idioms beginning with clean

    clean as a whistleclean bill of healthclean breastclean hands, haveclean housecleanliness is next to godlinessclean outclean slateclean someone’s clockclean sweepclean up

also see:

    come cleanhave a clear (clean) consciencekeep one’s nose cleanmake a clean breast ofmake a clean sweepnew broom sweeps cleantake to the cleanerswipe the slate clean

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.


abientadjective | [ab-ee-uhnt ]SEE DEFINITION


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