Kinh Nghiệm Hướng dẫn Stand by ones word là gì Đầy đủ 2022
Pro đang tìm kiếm từ khóa Stand by ones word là gì Đầy đủ được Update vào lúc : 2022-02-01 15:16:00 . Với phương châm chia sẻ Thủ Thuật về trong nội dung bài viết một cách Chi Tiết Mới Nhất. Nếu sau khi đọc nội dung bài viết vẫn ko hiểu thì hoàn toàn có thể lại Comment ở cuối bài để Tác giả lý giải và hướng dẫn lại nha.
Bạn đang tìm kiếm từ khóa Stand by ones word là gì được Update vào lúc : 2022-02-01 15:16:04 . Với phương châm chia sẻ Bí quyết Hướng dẫn trong nội dung nội dung bài viết một cách Chi Tiết 2022. Nếu sau khi đọc nội dung nội dung bài viết vẫn ko hiểu thì hoàn toàn hoàn toàn có thể lại phản hồi ở cuối bài để Mình lý giải và hướng dẫn lại nha.
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(stănd)v. stood (sto͝od), stand·ing, standsv.intr.1.a. To rise to an upright position on the feet.b. To assume or maintain an upright position as specified: stand straight; stand to one side.2.a. To maintain an upright position on the feet.b. To maintain an upright or vertical position on a base or tư vấn: The urn stands on a pedestal.c. To be placed or situated: The building stands the corner.3.a. To remain stable, upright, or intact: The old school still stands.b. To remain valid, effective, or unaltered: The agreement stands.4. To be or show a specified figure or amount: The balance stands $500.5. To measure a specified height when in an upright position: stands six feet tall.6. To take up or maintain a specified position, altitude, or course: He stands on his earlier offer. We will stand firm.7. To be in a position of possible gain or loss: She stands to make a fortune.8.a. To be in a specified state or condition: I stand corrected. We stand in awe of the view.b. To exist in a particular form: Send the message as it now stands.9. To be a specified level on a scale or in an amount: stands third in her class; stands high in reputation.10.a. To come to a stop; remain motionless.b. To remain stationary or inactive: The car stood in the garage all winter.11. To remain without flowing or being disturbed; be or become stagnant.12. Nautical To take or hold a particular course or direction: a ship standing to windward.13. To be available as a sire. Used of horses.14. Chiefly British To be a candidate for public To cause to stand; place upright.2. To engage in or encounter: stand battle.3.a. To resist successfully; withstand: stand the test of time; will not stand close examination.b. To put up with patiently or resolutely; bear: can’t stand the heat. See Synonyms endure.4. To submit to or undergo: stand trial.5. To tolerate and benefit from: I could stand a good night’s sleep.6. To perform the duty of: stand guard.7. Informal To treat (someone) or pay the cost of (food or drink): She stood him to a drink. We’ll stand dinner.n.1. The act of standing.2. A ceasing of work or activity; a standstill or halt.3. A stop on a performance tour.4. The place or station where a person stands.5. A booth, stall, or counter for the display of goods for sale.6. A parking space reserved for taxis.7. A desperate or decisive effort defense or resistance, as in a battle: made their stand the river.8. A position or opinion one is prepared to uphold: must take a stand on environmental issues.9. stands Rows of wooden or metal benches placed one above another for people watching a sports sự kiện or a performance.10. Law A witness stand.11. A small rack, prop, or table for holding any of various articles: a music stand; a bedside stand.12. A group or growth of tall plants or trees: a stand of pine.Phrasal Verbs:stand by1. To be ready or available to act.2. To wait for something, such as a broadcast, to resume.3. To remain uninvolved; refrain from acting: stood by and let him get away.4. To remain loyal to; aid or tư vấn: stands by her friends.5. To keep or maintain: stood by her decision.stand down1. Law To leave a witness stand.2. To withdraw, as from a political contest.3. To end a state of readiness or alert.4. To go off duty.stand for1. To represent; symbolize.2. To advocate or tư vấn: stands for freedom of the press.3. To put up with; tolerate: We will not stand for impertinent behavior.stand inTo act as a stand-in.stand off1. To stay a distance; remain apart or aloof.2. To put off; evade.3. Nautical To maintain a course away from shore.stand on1. To be based on; depend on: The success of the project stands on management’s tư vấn of it.2. To insist on observance of: stand on ceremony; stand on one’s rights.stand out1. To protrude; project.2. To be conspicuous, distinctive, or prominent.3. To refuse compliance or maintain opposition; hold out: stand out against a verdict.4. Nautical To maintain a course away from shore.stand over1. To watch or supervise closely.2. To hold over; postpone.stand toTo take up positions for action.stand up1. To remain valid, sound, or durable: His claim will not stand up in court. Our old car has stood up well over time.2. Informal To fail to keep a date with.Idioms:stand a chanceTo have a chance, as of gaining or accomplishing something.stand (one’s) ground1. To maintain one’s position against an attack.2. To refuse to compromise; be unyielding.stand on (one’s) headSports To make numerous sprawling or dramatic saves. Used of a goalie.stand on (one’s) own/two feetTo be independent and responsible for oneself.stand pat1. To oppose or resist change.2. Games To play one’s poker hand without drawing more cards.stand to reasonTo be consistent with reason: It stands to reason that if we leave late, we will arrive late.stand up for1. To side with; defend.2. To stand up with.stand up toTo confront fearlessly; face up to.stand up withTo act as best man or maid of honor for (the groom or bride) a wedding.[Middle English standen, from Old English standan; see stā- in Indo-European roots.]stander n.American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2022 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
(stænd)vb (mainly intr) , stands, standing or stood1. (also tr) to be or cause to be in an erect or upright position2. to rise to, assume, or maintain an upright position3. (copula) to have a specified height when standing: to stand six feet.4. to be situated or located: the house stands in the square.5. to be or exist in a specified state or condition: to stand in awe of someone.6. to adopt or remain in a resolute position or attitude7. (may take an infinitive) to be in a specified position: I stand to lose money in this venture; he stands high in the president’s favour.8. to remain in force or continue in effect: whatever the difficulties, my orders stand.9. to come to a stop or halt, esp temporarily10. (of water, etc) to collect and remain without flowing11. (often foll by ) (of a score, account, etc) to indicate the specified position of the parties involved: the score stands 20 to 1.12. (also tr; when intr, foll by for) to tolerate or bear: I won’t stand for your nonsense any longer; I can’t stand spiders.13. (tr) to resist; survive: to stand the test of time.14. (tr) to submit to: to stand trial.15. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (often foll by for) chiefly Brit to be or become a candidate: will he stand for Parliament?.16. (Navigation) to navigate in a specified direction: we were standing for Madeira when the storm broke.17. (Hunting) (of a gun dog) to point game18. (Military) to halt, esp to give action, repel attack, or disrupt an enemy advance when retreating19. (Breeds) (of a male domestic animal, esp a stallion) to be available as a stud20. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) (also tr) printing to keep (type that has been set) or (of such type) to be kept, for possible use in future printings21. (tr) informal to bear the cost of; pay for: to stand someone a drink.22. stand a chance to have a hope or likelihood of winning, succeeding, etc23. stand fast to maintain one’s position firmly24. stand one’s ground to maintain a stance or position in the face of opposition25. stand stilla. to remain motionlessb. (foll by for) US to tolerate: I won’t stand still for your threats.26. stand to someone informal Irish to be useful to someone: your knowledge of English will stand to you.n27. the act or an instance of standing28. an opinion, esp a resolutely held one: he took a stand on capital punishment.29. a halt or standstill30. a place where a person or thing stands31. (Agriculture)a. a position on the floor of a shearing shed allocated to one shearerb. the shearing equipment belonging to such a position32. (Building) a structure, usually of wood, on which people can sit or stand33. (Furniture) a frame or rack on which such articles as coats and hats may be hung34. (Furniture) a small table or piece of furniture where articles may be placed or stored: a music stand.35. (Furniture) a supporting framework, esp for a tool or instrument36. (Commerce) a stall, booth, or counter from which goods may be sold37. (Commerce) an exhibition area in a trade fair38. a halt to give action, etc, esp one taken during a retreat and having some duration or some success39. (Cricket) cricket an extended period the wicket by two batsmen40. (Botany) a growth of plants in a particular area, esp trees in a forest or a crop in a field41. (Theatre) a stop made by a touring theatrical company, pop group, etc, to give a performance (esp in the phrase one-night stand)42. (Building) South African a plot or site earmarked for the erection of a building43. (Shooting) (of a gun dog) the act of pointing game44. (Arms & Armour (excluding Firearms)) a complete set, esp of arms or armour for one man45. (Military) military the flags of a regiment[Old English standan; related to Old Norse standa, Old High German stantan, Latin stāre to stand; see stead]ˈstander nCollins English Dictionary Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
v. stood, standing,
n. v.i.1. to be in an upright position on the feet.2. to rise to one’s feet (often fol. by up).3. to have a specified height when in this position: He stands six feet.4. to remain motionless on the feet.5. to take a position as indicated: to stand aside.6. to adhere to a certain policy or attitude: We stand for không lấy phí trade.7. (of things) to rest in an upright or vertical position.8. to be located or situated: The building stands upon the hill.9. (of an account, score, etc.) to remain as indicated: The score stands 18 to 14.10. to continue in force; remain valid: My offer still stands.11. to be or remain in a specified state or condition: I stand corrected. You stand in danger of losing your license.12. Chiefly Brit. to be a candidate, as for public office: to stand for Parliament.13. to take or hold a particular course sea.14. (of a male domestic animal) to be available as a sire, usu. for a fee.v.t.15. to cause to stand; set upright.16. to undergo or submit to: to stand trial.17. to endure or withstand: My eyes can’t stand the glare.18. to treat (a person) to something.19. to perform one’s job or duty as: to stand watch aboard ship.20. stand by,a. to uphold; tư vấn.b. to adhere to; remain firm regarding.c. to wait, esp. in anticipation.d. to be ready to board transport as an alternate passenger.21. stand down,a. Law. to leave the witness stand.b. to step aside; withdraw, as from a competition.22. stand for,a. to represent; symbolize: P.S. stands for postscript.b. to advocate; favor.c. to tolerate; allow.23. stand off,a. to keep or stay a distance.b. to put off; evade.24. stand on, to be based on; depend on; rest on.25. stand out,a. to project; protrude.b. to be conspicuous or prominent.26. stand over,a. to supervise constantly.b. to postpone or be postponed.27. stand up,a. to be or remain convincing: The evidence won’t stand up in court.b. to be durable or serviceable: Wool stands up better than silk.c. to fail to keep an appointment with.28. stand up for,a. to defend; tư vấn.b. to serve (a bridegroom) as best man or (a bride) as maid or matron of honor.29. stand up to, to encounter fearlessly; confront.n.30. the act of standing.31. a halt or stop.32. a final defensive effort: Custer’s last stand.33. a determined policy, position, attitude, etc., taken or maintained: We must take a stand on political issues.34. witness stand.35. a raised platform, as for a speaker, a band, or the like.36. stands, a raised section of seats for spectators; grandstand.37. a framework on or in which articles are placed for tư vấn, exhibition, etc.: a wig stand.38. a piece of furniture of various forms, on or in which to put articles (often used in combination): an umbrella stand; a washstand.39. a small, light table.40. a stall, booth, or the like, where articles are displayed for sale: a fruit stand.41. newsstand.42. a site or location for business.43. a place or station occupied by vehicles available for hire: a taxi stand.44. a standing growth of trees.45. a stop on the tour of a theatrical company, rock group, etc., esp. for a single performance.46. hive (def. 2).Idioms:1. stand firm, to remain steadfast.2. stand to reason, to be obvious, logical, or reasonable.[before 900; Middle English (v.), Old English standan, c. Old Norse standa, Gothic standan, Old High German stantan, akin to Latin stāre to stand, sistere, Greek histánai to make stand, Skt sthā to stand]syn: See bear1.Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
a suit or set, as of soldiers, clothes; a suit of armour; a hive of bees; a stud of horses; an assemblage of trò chơi birds.Examples: stand of armour (a suit); of bees; of bells, 1534; of birds, 1881; of sugar cane, 1887; of clothes; of planted cotton, 1904; of flamingoes; of horses, 1711; of chain mail, 1896; of needles (set of four); of pikes, 1598; of gold plover, 1882; of plovers; of timber, 1767; of trees; of wheat, 1868.Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
Stand is usually a verb. Its past tense and -ed participle is stood.
1. saying where someone is
When you are standing somewhere, your body toàn thân toàn thân is upright, your legs are straight, and your weight is supported by your feet. In standard English you don’t say that someone ‘is stood’ somewhere.
Why is he standing in the middle of the road?She was standing the bus stop.2. saying where someone goes
Stand is also used to say that someone moves to a different place and remains standing there.
They stood to one side so that she could pass.Come and stand next to me.3. ‘stand up’
Stand is sometimes used to say that someone raises their body toàn thân toàn thân to a standing position when they have been sitting.
Everyone stood and applauded.
However, you normally say that someone stands up.
The children are supposed to stand up when the teacher comes into the room.I put down my glass and stood up.
put up with stand bear1. ‘suffer’
You can say that someone suffers pain or an unpleasant experience.
He suffered a lot of discomfort.Young suffered imprisonment and intimidation.2. ‘put up with’
You do not use ‘suffer’ to say that someone tolerates an unpleasant person. You say that they put up with the person.
The local people have to put up with gaping tourists.3. ‘stand’ and ‘bear’
If you do not like someone all, you do not say that you ‘can’t suffer’ them. You say that you can’t stand them or can’t bear them.
She said she couldn’t stand him.I can’t bear kids.Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
Past participle: stood
Gerund: standing
ImperativestandstandPresentI standyou standhe/she/it standswe standyou standthey standPreteriteI stoodyou stoodhe/she/it stoodwe stoodyou stoodthey stoodPresent ContinuousI am standingyou are standinghe/she/it is standingwe are standingyou are standingthey are standingPresent PerfectI have stoodyou have stoodhe/she/it has stoodwe have stoodyou have stoodthey have stoodPast ContinuousI was standingyou were standinghe/she/it was standingwe were standingyou were standingthey were standingPast PerfectI had stoodyou had stoodhe/she/it had stoodwe had stoodyou had stoodthey had stoodFutureI will standyou will standhe/she/it will standwe will standyou will standthey will standFuture PerfectI will have stoodyou will have stoodhe/she/it will have stoodwe will have stoodyou will have stoodthey will have stoodFuture ContinuousI will be standingyou will be standinghe/she/it will be standingwe will be standingyou will be standingthey will be standingPresent Perfect ContinuousI have been standingyou have been standinghe/she/it has been standingwe have been standingyou have been standingthey have been standingFuture Perfect ContinuousI will have been standingyou will have been standinghe/she/it will have been standingwe will have been standingyou will have been standingthey will have been standingPast Perfect ContinuousI had been standingyou had been standinghe/she/it had been standingwe had been standingyou had been standingthey had been standingConditionalI would standyou would standhe/she/it would standwe would standyou would standthey would standPast ConditionalI would have stoodyou would have stoodhe/she/it would have stoodwe would have stoodyou would have stoodthey would have stoodCollins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:Switch to new thesaurusNoun1.stand – a tư vấn or foundation; “the base of the lamp”pedestal, basebrass monkey – a metal stand that formerly held cannon balls on sailing shipsstaddle – a base or platform on which hay or corn is stackedsupport – any device that bears the weight of another thing; “there was no place to attach supports for a shelf”trivet – a stand with short feet used under a hot dish on a tabletrivet – a three-legged metal stand for supporting a cooking vessel in a hearth2.stand – the position where a thing or person standscabstand, taxi rank, taxistand – a place where taxis park while awaiting customers; “in England the place where taxis wait to be hired is called a `taxi rank’”position, place – the particular portion of space occupied by something; “he put the lamp back in its place”3.stand – a growth of similar plants (usually trees) in a particular area; “they cut down a stand of trees”botany, flora, vegetation – all the plant life in a particular region or period; “Pleistocene vegetation”; “the flora of southern California”; “the botany of China”4.stand – a small table for holding articles of various kinds; “a bedside stand”lectern, reading desk – desk or stand with a slanted top used to hold a text the proper height for a lecturertable – a piece of furniture having a smooth flat top that is usually supported by one or more vertical legs; “it was a sturdy table”5.stand – a tư vấn for displaying various articles; “the newspapers were arranged on a rack”rackbier – a stand to tư vấn a corpse or a coffin prior to burialcruet-stand – a stand for cruets containing various condimentsdress rack – a rack used primarily to display dresses for sale in a storemagazine rack – a rack for displaying magazinesmusic rack, music stand – a light stand for holding sheets of printed musicspice rack – a rack for displaying containers filled with spicesspit – a skewer for holding meat over a firesupport – any device that bears the weight of another thing; “there was no place to attach supports for a shelf”tripod – a three-legged rack used for support6.stand – an interruption of normal activitystandstill, tie-upstop, halt – the sự kiện of something ending; “it came to a stop the bottom of the hill”7.stand – a mental position from which things are viewed; “we should consider this problem from the viewpoint of the Russians”; “teaching history gave him a special point of view toward current events”point of view, standpoint, viewpointstance, posture, position – a rationalized mental attitudecityscape – a viewpoint toward a city or other heavily populated area; “the dominant character of the cityscape is it poverty”landscape – an extensive mental viewpoint; “the political landscape looks bleak without a change of administration”; “we changed the landscape for solving the problem of payroll inequity”slant, angle – a biased way of looking or presenting somethingcomplexion – a point of view or general attitude or inclination; “he altered the complexion of his times”; “a liberal political complexion”8.stand – a booth where articles are displayed for salesales booth, stallbooth – a small shop a fair; for selling goods or entertainmentcoffee stall – a stand (usually movable) selling hot coffee and food (especially night)newsstand – a stall where newspapers and other periodicals are sold9.stand – a stop made by a touring musical or theatrical group to give a performance; “a one-night stand”layover, stopover, stop – a brief stay in the course of a journey; “they made a stopover to visit their friends”10.stand – tiered seats consisting of a structure (often made of wood) where people can sit to watch an sự kiện (trò chơi or parade)ballpark, park – a facility in which ball games are played (especially baseball games); “take me out to the ballpark”bleachers – an outdoor grandstand without a roof; patrons are exposed to the sun as linens are when they are bleachedcovered stand, grandstand – a stand a racecourse or stadium consisting of tiers with rows of individual seats that are under a protective roofreviewing stand – a stand from which a parade or military force can be reviewedsports stadium, stadium, arena, bowl – a large structure for open-air sports or entertainmentstiered seat – seating that is arranged in sloping tiers so that spectators in the back can see over the heads of those in front11.stand – a platform where a (brass) band can play in the open airbandstand, outdoor stageplatform – a raised horizontal surface; “the speaker mounted the platform”12.stand – a defensive effort; “the army made a final stand the Rhone”defense, defensive measure, defence – (military) military action or resources protecting a country against potential enemies; “they died in the defense of Stalingrad”; “they were developed for the defense program”standoff, repulsion – the act of repulsing or repelling an attack; a successful defensive standVerb1.stand – be standing; be upright; “We had to stand for the entire performance!”stand uprest – not move; be in a resting positionramp – stand with arms or forelegs raised, as if menacingstand back – stand away from an object or person; “He stood back to look her”place upright, stand up, stand – put into an upright position; “Can you stand the bookshelf up?”queue, queue up, line up – form a queue, form a line, stand in line; “Customers lined up in front of the store”get up, stand up, rise, arise, uprise – rise to one’s feet; “The audience got up and applauded”lie – be lying, be prostrate; be in a horizontal position; “The sick man lay in bed all day”; “the books are lying on the shelf”sit, sit down – be seated2.stand – be in some specified state or condition; “I stand corrected”be – have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); “John is rich”; “This is not a good answer”stand firm, withstand, hold out, resist – stand up or offer resistance to somebody or somethingstick by, stand by, adhere, stick – be loyal to; “She stood by her husband in times of trouble”; “The friends stuck together through the war”excel, surpass, stand out – distinguish oneself; “She excelled in math”jump out, leap out, stand out, stick out, jump – be highly noticeablerepresent, stand for, correspond – take the place of or be parallel or equivalent to; “Because of the sound changes in the course of history, an ‘h’ in Greek stands for an ‘s’ in Latin”stand by – not act or do anything; “He just stood by when the police beat up the demonstrators”3.stand – occupy a place or location, also metaphorically; “We stand on common ground”be – have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); “John is rich”; “This is not a good answer”4.stand – hold one’s ground; maintain a position; be steadfast or upright; “I am standing my ground and won’t give in!”remain firmfend, resist, stand – withstand the force of something; “The trees resisted her”; “stand the test of time”; “The mountain climbers had to fend against the ice and snow”stand firm, withstand, hold out, resist – stand up or offer resistance to somebody or somethingrelent, soften, yield – give in, as to influence or pressure5.stand – put up with something or somebody unpleasant; “I cannot bear his constant criticism”; “The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks”; “he learned to tolerate the heat”; “She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage”brook, endure, tolerate, stomach, abide, bear, digest, stick out, suffer, put up, supportlive with, swallow, accept – tolerate or accommodate oneself to; “I shall have to accept these unpleasant working conditions”; “I swallowed the insult”; “She has learned to live with her husband’s little idiosyncrasies”hold still for, stand for – tolerate or bear; “I won’t stand for this kind of behavior!”bear up – endure cheerfully; “She bore up under the enormous strain”take lying down – suffer without protest; suffer or endure passively; “I won’t take this insult lying down”take a joke – listen to a joke one’s own expense; “Can’t you take a joke?”sit out – endure to the endpay – bear (a cost or penalty), in recompense for some action; “You’ll pay for this!”; “She had to pay the penalty for speaking out rashly”; “You’ll pay for this opinion later”countenance, permit, allow, let – consent to, give permission; “She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband”; “I won’t let the police search her basement”; “I cannot allow you to see your exam”suffer – experience (emotional) pain; “Every time her husband gets drunk, she suffers”6.stand – have or maintain a position or stand on an issue; “Where do you stand on the War?”pass judgment, evaluate, judge – form a critical opinion of; “I cannot judge some works of modern art”; “How do you evaluate this grant proposal?” “We shouldn’t pass judgment on other people”array, align – align oneself with a group or a way of thinking7.stand – remain inactive or immobile; “standing water”remain, stay, rest – stay the same; remain in a certain state; “The dress remained wet after repeated attempts to dry it”; “rest assured”; “stay alone”; “He remained unmoved by her tears”; “The bad weather continued for another week”8.stand – be in effect; be or remain in force; “The law stands!”continue – exist over a prolonged period of time; “The bad weather continued for two more weeks”wash – admit to testing or proof; “This silly excuse won’t wash in traffic court”9.stand – be tall; have a height of; copula; “She stands 6 feet tall”measure – have certain dimensions; “This table surfaces measures 20inches by 36 inches”10.stand – put into an upright position; “Can you stand the bookshelf up?”place upright, stand uplay, place, put, set, position, pose – put into a certain place or abstract location; “Put your things here”; “Set the tray down”; “Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children”; “Place emphasis on a certain point”stand, stand up – be standing; be upright; “We had to stand for the entire performance!”11.stand – withstand the force of something; “The trees resisted her”; “stand the test of time”; “The mountain climbers had to fend against the ice and snow”fend, resistfight down, oppose, fight, fight back, defend – fight against or resist strongly; “The senator said he would oppose the bill”; “Don’t fight it!”remain firm, stand – hold one’s ground; maintain a position; be steadfast or upright; “I am standing my ground and won’t give in!”12.stand – be available for stud services; “male domestic animals such as stallions serve selected females”animal husbandry – breeding and caring for farm animalsservice, serve – mate with; “male animals serve the females for breeding purposes”Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
verb1. be upright, be erect, be vertical, be on your feet She was standing beside my bed staring down me.2. get to your feet, rise, stand up, straighten up, pick yourself up, find your feet Becker stood and shook hands with Ben.3. be located, be, sit, be found, perch, nestle, be positioned, be sited, be perched, be situated or located The house stands alone on top of a small hill.4. be valid, apply, be in force, hold good, continue, stay, exist, prevail, remain valid, remain effective, remain in operation The supreme court says the convictions still stand.5. put, place, position, set, mount, lean, prop Stand the plant in the open in a sunny, sheltered place.6. sit, rest, mellow, maturate The salad improves if made in the open and left to stand.7. resist, endure, withstand, wear (Brit. slang), weather, undergo, defy, tolerate, stand up to, hold out against, stand firm against Ancient wisdom has stood the test of time.8. tolerate, bear, abide, suffer, stomach, endure, brook, hack (slang), submit to, thole (dialect) He hates vegetables and can’t stand curry.9. take, bear, handle, cope with, experience, sustain, endure, undergo, put up with (informal), withstand, countenance I can’t stand any more. I’m going to run away.noun1. position, attitude, stance, opinion, determination, standpoint, firm stand His tough stand won some grudging admiration.2. stall, booth, kiosk, table She bought a hot dog from a stand on a street corner.3. grandstand The people in the stands are cheering with all their might.4. tư vấn, base, platform, place, stage, frame, rack, bracket, tripod, dais, trivet The teapot came with a stand to catch the drips.5. rank, station, bay, place, park Luckily there was a taxi stand near-by.stand aside not participate, stand by, sit tight, sit on the fence, watch, look on, turn a blind eye, bide your time, let well alone Ireland stood aside and refused to get involved in this conflict.stand by1. be prepared, wait, stand ready, prepare yourself, wait in the wings Stand by for details.2. look on, watch, not lift a finger, wait, turn a blind eye, procrastinate, not stir, let things take their course, let well alone The police just stood by and watched as the missiles rained down on us.stand by someone tư vấn, back, champion, defend, take (someone’s) part, uphold, befriend, be loyal to, stick up for (informal) I wouldn’t break the law for a friend, but I would stand by her if she did.stand by something tư vấn, maintain, defend, champion, justify, sustain, endorse, assert, uphold, vindicate, stand up for, espouse, speak up for, stick up for (informal) The decision has been made and I have got to stand by it.stand down resign, leave, quit, abdicate, give in your notice, call it a day or night Profits plunged and he stood down as chairman last January.stand for something1. represent, mean, signify, denote, indicate, exemplify, symbolize, betoken What does EEC stand for?2. tư vấn, champion, propose, promote, recommend, advocate, chiến dịch for, prescribe, speak for, uphold, press for, argue for, espouse He hates us and everything we stand for.verb1. (Informal) tolerate, suffer, bear, endure, put up with, wear (Brit. informal), brook, lie down under (informal) It’s outrageous, and we won’t stand for it any more.stand in for someone be a substitute for, represent, cover for, take the place of, replace, understudy, hold the fort for, do duty for, deputize for I had to stand in for her on Tuesday when she didn’t show up.stand out1. be conspicuous, be striking, be prominent, be obvious, be highlighted, attract attention, catch the eye, be distinct, stick out like a sore thumb (informal), stare you in the face (informal), be thrown into relief, bulk large, stick out a mile (informal), leap to the eye Every tree, wall and fence stood out against dazzling white fields.2. be better, eclipse, overshadow, be superior, steal the show, outshine He played the violin, and he stood out from all the other musicians.3. project, protrude, bristle Her hair stood out in spikes.stand someone up let down, leave stranded, leave in the lurch We were to have dinner yesterday evening, but he stood me up.stand up be plausible, be convincing, hold up, hold water, carry weight, wash (informal), bear scrutiny He made wild accusations that did not stand up in court.stand up for something or someone tư vấn, champion, defend, uphold, side with, stick up for (informal), come to the defence of They stood up for what they believed to be right.stand up to something or someone1. withstand, take, bear, weather, cope with, resist, endure, tolerate, hold out against, stand firm against Is this building going to stand up to the strongest gales?2. resist, oppose, confront, tackle, brave, defy Women are now aware of their rights and are prepared to stand up to their employers.Collins Thesaurus of the English Language Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
verb1. To adopt a standing posture.Also used with up:arise, get up, rise, uprise, upspring.Idiom: get to one’s feet.2. To restore to or place in an upright or proper position.Also used with up:right.3. To put up with.Also used with for:abide, accept, bear, brook, endure, go, stomach, suffer, tư vấn, sustain, swallow, take, tolerate, withstand.Informal: lump.Idioms: take it, take it lying down.4. Informal. To pay for the food, drink, or entertainment of (another):treat.Informal: set up.Slang: blow.Idiom: stand treat.phrasal verb
stand behindTo aid the cause of by approving or favoring:advocate, back, champion, endorse, get behind, plump for, recommend, side with, stand by, tư vấn, uphold.Idioms: align oneself with, go to bat for, take the part of.phrasal verb
stand byTo aid the cause of by approving or favoring:advocate, back, champion, endorse, get behind, plump for, recommend, side with, stand behind, tư vấn, uphold.Idioms: align oneself with, go to bat for, take the part of.phrasal verb
stand for1. To serve as an example, image, or symbol of:epitomize, exemplify, illustrate, represent, symbol, symbolize, typify.2. To serve as an official delegate of:represent, speak for.phrasal verb
stand inTo act as a substitute:fill in, substitute, supply.Informal: pinch-hit, sub.phrasal verb
stand out1. To curve outward past the normal or usual limit:bag, balloon, beetle, belly, bulge, jut, overhang, pouch, project, protrude, protuberate, stick out.2. To be obtrusively conspicuous:glare, stick out.Idioms: stare someone in the face, stick out like a sore thumb.phrasal verb
stand up1. To prove valid under scrutiny:hold (up), prove out.Informal: wash.Idioms: hold water, pass muster, ring true.2. To withstand stress or difficulty:bear up, endure, hold up.The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.Translationsحامِل، مِشْجَبكُشْك الشّاهِد في المَحْكَمَهكُشْك بَضائِع أو صُحُفمُدَرَّج المُتَفَرِّجينمِنْبَرstátstojanstánekpostavittribunaståstilletilskuerpladstilskuertribunetribunestehenStandStänderaufstehenTribüneκερκίδεςστέκομαιστήνωestar de pieestar en piegraderíaslevantarlevantarseseisoaseistäsietäätelinetukiêtre deboutsupportersurgirsursautertolérerstajatištandoviállállítállít vhovafekszikfelálláhorfendapallurbjóîa sig framborga fyrir, bjóîa upp áeiga lögsókn yfir höfîi sér, òolahalda gildi, standaststare in piediposizioneposteggio dei taxiprendere posizionepresentarsiスタンド立つ立てる立場耐える서다판매대stoatsarginis dalykasatsilaikyti priešbūti kandidatubūti renkamambūti trumpiniuas matters standatrastiesbalotētiesbūtbūt novietotamstaanstandplaatstribunesuitstaanverdragenrive isalgsbodspandereståstille segstaćstoiskawstaćwstawaćagüentararquibancadabancadaencostarficarridicaстоятьпостоятьстендстойкастоянкаstojangledatikandidiratipostavitiprestatistatistajatitrpetiustatiläktarepositionståställningยืนลุกอัฒจันทร์tribünuğramakaday olmakayakayakta durmakchỗ đứngđứng站立站起销售摊付帐位于
[stænd] (stood (vb: pt, pp))A. N1. (= position) posición f, puesto m
to take up a stand near the door colocarse cerca de la puerta2. (fig) (= stance) actitud f, postura f
to take a stand on an issue adoptar una actitud hacia una cuestión
to take a firm stand adoptar una actitud firme3. (Mil) the stand of the Australians Tobruk la resistencia de los australianos en Tobruk
Custer’s last stand la última batalla del General Custer
to make a stand hacer parada, plantarse
to make or take a stand against sth oponer resistencia a algo
see also one-night stand4. (for taxis) parada f (de taxis)5. (= lamp stand) pie m; (= music stand) atril m; (= hallstand) perchero m6. (= newspaper stand) quiosco m, puesto m (esp LAm); (= market stall) puesto m; (in shop) estante m, puesto m; ( exhibition) caseta f, stand m; (= bandstand) quiosco m7. (Sport) (= grandstand) tribuna f8. (Jur) estrado m
to take the stand (esp US) (= go into witness box) subir a la tribuna de los testigos; (= give evidence) prestar declaración9. [of trees] hilera f, grupo m10. (= erection) empalme m11. = standstillB. VT1. (= place) poner, colocar
to stand sth against the wall apoyar algo en la pared
to stand a vase on a table poner un florero sobre una mesa2. (= withstand) resistir
it won’t stand serious examination no resistirá un examen detallado
it won’t stand the cold no resiste el or al frío
his heart couldn’t stand the shock su corazón no resistió el or al choque
to stand one’s ground mantenerse firme, plantarse
if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen si no puedes lidiar el toro, quítate de en medio3. (= tolerate) aguantar
I can stand anything but that lo aguanto todo menos eso
I can’t stand it any longer! ¡no aguanto más!
I can’t stand Debussy no aguanto a Debussy
I can’t stand (the sight of) him no lo aguanto, no lo puedo tragar
I can’t stand waiting for people no aguanto or soporto que me hagan esperar
see also chance A34. (= pay for) to stand sb a drink/meal invitar a algn a una copa/a comer
he stood me lunch me pagó la comida
the company will have to stand the loss la compañía tendrá que encargarse de las pérdidasC. VI1. (= be upright) estar de pie or derecho, estar parado (LAm)
he could hardly stand hasta tenía problemas para ponerse de pie
the house is still standing la casa sigue en pie
we must stand together (fig) debemos unirnos or ser solidarios
to stand on one’s own two feet valerse por sí mismo, defenderse solo (LAm)
to stand tall pisar fuerte
see also ease A42. (= get up) levantarse, pararse (LAm)
all stand! ¡levántense!3. (= stay, stand still) they were standing the bar estaban juntos al bar
to stand in the doorway estar en la puerta
don’t just stand there, do something! ¡no te quedes ahí parado, haz algo!
they stood patiently in the rain se quedaron esperando pacientemente bajo la lluvia
to stand talking seguir hablando, quedarse a hablar
we stood chatting for half an hour charlamos durante truyền thông hora, pasamos truyền thông hora charlando
stand and deliver! ¡la bolsa o la vida!
he left the others standing dejó a todos atrás or (LAm) parados4. (= tread) to stand on sth pisar algo
you’re standing on my foot me estás pisando
he stood on the beetle pisó el escarabajo
he stood on the brakes (Aut) pisó el freno a fondo5. (= measure) medir
he stands a good six feet mide seis pies largos
the tower stands 50m high la torre tiene 50m de alta
the mountain stands 3,000m high la montaña tiene una altura de 3.000m6. (= have reached) the thermometer stands 40° el termómetro marca 40 grados
the record stands ten minutes el record está en diez minutos, el tiempo récord sigue siendo de diez minutos
sales are currently standing two million las ventas ya han alcanzado los dos millones
sales stand five per cent more than last year las ventas han aumentado en un cinco por cien en relación con el año pasado7. (= be situated) encontrarse, ubicarse (LAm)
it stands beside the town hall está junto al ayuntamiento8. (= be mounted, based) apoyarse9. (= remain valid) [offer, argument, decision] seguir en pie or vigente
my objection still stands mis reservas siguen en pie
the contract stands el contrato sigue en vigor
the theory stands or falls on this de allí depende la teoría entera
it has stood for 200 years ha durado 200 años ya, lleva ya 200 años de vida10. (fig) (= be placed) estar, encontrarse
as things stand; as it stands tal como están las cosas
I’d like to know where I stand quisiera saber a qué atenerme
how do we stand? ¿cómo estamos?
where do you stand with him? ¿cuáles son tus relaciones con él?
nothing stands between us nada nos separa
nothing stands between you and success no tienes ningún obstáculo en el camino al éxito11. (= be in a position) to stand to do sth arriesgar hacer algo
he stands to gain a great giảm giá tiene la posibilidad de ganar mucho
what do we stand to gain by it? ¿qué posibilidades hay para nosotros de ganar algo?, ¿qué ventaja nos daría esto?
we stand to lose a lot para nosotros supondría una pérdida importante, estamos en peligro de perder bastante12. (= be) she stands in need of a friend lo que necesita es un amigo
to stand accused of murder estar acusado de asesinato
he stands alone in this matter no tiene ningún apoyo en este caso
to stand (as) security for sb (Fin) salir fiador de algn (fig) salir por algn
it stands to reason that es evidente que …, no cabe duda de que …
see also clear B3
see also correct B113. (= remain undisturbed) estar
to allow a liquid to stand dejar estar un líquido
let it stand for three days déjelo reposar durante tres días
don’t let the tea stand no dejes que se pase el té
to let sth stand in the sun poner algo al sol, dejar algo al sol
the car has been standing in the sun el coche ha estado expuesto al sol14. (Brit) (Pol) presentarse (como candidato)
to stand against sb in an election presentarse como oponente a algn en unas elecciones
to stand as a candidate presentarse como candidato
to stand for Parliament presentarse como candidato a diputado
to stand for president presentarse como candidato a la presidencia
he stood for Castroforte fue uno de los candidatos en Castroforte
he stood for Labour fue candidato laborista15. (Fin) there is £50 standing to your credit usted tiene 50 libras en el haberstand about stand around VI + ADV estar, esperar, seguir en un sitio sin propósito fijo
they just stand about all day pasan todo el día por ahí sin hacer nada
they kept us standing about for ages nos hicieron esperar mucho tiempostand aside VI + ADV apartarse, mantenerse al margen
stand aside, please! ¡apártense, por favor!
we cannot stand aside and do nothing no podemos quedarnos sin hacer nada
he stood aside when he could have helped se mantuvo al margen en vez de ayudar
to stand aside from sth (fig) mantenerse al margen de algostand back VI + ADV1. [person] retirarse (fig) tomar una posición más objetiva
stand back, please! ¡más atrás, por favor!2. [building] (= be placed further back) estar apartado (from de)stand byA. VI + ADV1. (= do nothing) mantenerse aparte2. (= be ready) estar preparado or listo
stand by for further news seguirán más noticias
stand by for take-off! ¡listos para despegar!
the Navy is standing by to help unidades de la Flota están listas para prestar ayudaB. VI + PREP [+ person] apoyar or respaldar a; [+ promise] cumplir con
we stand by what we said nos atenemos a lo dicho
the Minister stood by his decision el Ministro mantuvo su decisiónstand down VI + ADV1. (= resign) [official, chairman] dimitir; (= withdraw) [candidate] retirarse
the candidate is standing down in favour of a younger person el candidato se retira a favor de una persona más joven2. (Jur) [witness] retirarse
you may stand down usted puede retirarse3. (Mil) the troops have stood down ha terminado el estado de alerta (militar)stand for VI + PREP1. (= represent) [abbreviation] significar
MP stands for Member of Parliament MP significa Miembro del Parlamento
A stands for apple M es de manzana
here a dash stands for a word aquí una raya representa una palabra2. (= tư vấn) [+ principle, honesty] representar3. (= permit) permitir; (= tolerate) admitir
I won’t stand for that eso no lo admito
I’ll not stand for your whims any longer no aguanto tus caprichos un momento más4.
see stand C14stand in VI + ADV sustituir
to stand in for sb sustituir a algnstand offA. VT + ADV (Brit) [+ workers] despedir (temporalmente, por falta de trabajo), suspenderB. VI + ADV apartarse, guardar las distancias (Naut) apartarsestand out VI + ADV1. (= project) [ledge, buttress, vein] sobresalir, salir2. (= be conspicuous, clear) destacar (against contra) to stand out in relief resaltar
it stands out a mile se ve a la legua3. (= be outstanding) destacarse4. (= be firm, hold out) mantenerse firme, aferrarse
to stand out against sth oponerse a algo
to stand out for sth insistir en algostand overA. VI + PREP he stood over me while I did it me vigiló mientras lo hacíaB. VI + ADV [items for discussion] quedar en suspenso
to let an item stand over dejar un asunto para la próxima vezstand to VI + ADV (Mil) estar alerta, estar sobre las armasstand upA. VI + ADV1. (= rise) levantarse, ponerse de pie; (= be standing) estar de pie
she had nothing but the clothes she was standing up in no tenía más que lo que llevaba puesto
we must stand up and be counted tenemos que declararnos abiertamente2. [argument etc] ser sólido, ser lógico, convencer
the case did not stand up in court la acusación no se mantuvo en el tribunal3. to stand up for sb (fig) respaldar a algn
to stand up for sth defender algo
to stand up for o.s defenderse solo4. to stand up to sb hacer frente a algn
it stands up to hard wear es muy resistente
to stand up to a test salir bien de una prueba
it won’t stand up to close examination no resistirá un examen minuciosoB. VT + ADV1. (= place upright) colocar de pie
a soup so thick that you could stand a spoon up in it una sopa tan espesa que una cuchara se quedaría de pie en él2. [+ girlfriend, boyfriend] dejar plantado, dar plantón aCollins Spanish Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ˈstænd]n(= position) position f
to make a stand résister
to make a stand against sth s’opposer à qch
to take a stand on sth prendre position sur qch(MILITARY) résistance f(SPORT) (for spectators) tribune f(= stall) (in market, street) stand m; ( exhibition, trade fair) stand m(to put sth on, for plant, statue) tư vấn m; (for lamp) pied m; (for hats, coats) portemanteau m (sur pied)(also music stand) pupitre m(= witness box) barre f
to take the stand venir à la barre(also taxi stand) station f de taxisvb [stood] (pt, pp)vi(= be upright) [person] être debout (= be) être
He was standing by the door Il était à la porte.
Stand still!
BUT Ne bougez plus!.(= rise) se lever
The judge asked us all to stand Le juge nous demanda à tous de nous lever.(= be placed) se trouver
The house stands alone on the hill La maison se trouve isolée sur la colline., La maison se dresse isolée sur la colline.
The lamp stood in the middle of the room La lampe se trouvait au milieu de la pièce.(= be valid) [offer, decision] rester valable; [law] s’appliquer toujours
Our original offer stands Notre première offre est encore valable., Notre première offre reste valable.(= remain undisturbed) [food, mixture] reposer
to leave sth to stand laisser reposer qch
The salad improves if made in advance and left to stand Cette salade est meilleure si vous la préparez à l’avance et la laissez reposer.(= have opinion)
He still hasn’t said where he stands Il n’a toujours pas dit quelle est sa position là-dessus.(British) (= be candidate) se présenter
to stand for parliament se présenter aux élections (comme candidat à la députation)(= be) to stand [value, level, score] être de, atteindre
Unemployment in some areas now stands 38% Le chômage dans certaines régions atteint désormais les 38%.
as things stand dans l’état actuel des choses
to know where one stands
No one knows where they stand with him Personne ne sait à quoi s’en tenir avec stand in the way of sth être un obstacle à qch
to stand in sb’s way (fig) se mettre en travers du chemin de qn(= be likely) to stand to gain sth avoir des chances de gagner qch
to stand to lose sth risquer de perdre qch
He stands to make a lot of money Il a des chances de gagner beaucoup d’argent., Il peut gagner beaucoup d’argent.vt(= place) (gen) mettre, poser; [+ child, animal] mettre
He stood the bottle on the bench beside him Il posa la bouteille sur le banc à côté de lui.(= tolerate) supporter
I can’t stand all this noise Je ne supporte pas tout ce bruit.
I can’t stand him
BUT Je ne peux pas le voir.(= withstand) [+ test, wear and tear, strain, comparison] résister à
Ancient wisdom has stood the test of time La sagesse ancestrale a résisté à l’épreuve du temps.(= pay for) to stand sb a drink offrir à boire à qn
to stand sb a meal offrir un repas à qn(= have) to stand a chance avoir une chance
We don’t stand a chance Nous n’avons aucune stand guard monter la garde
to stand watch monter la gardeto stand trial passer en jugementstand asidevi s’écarterstand byvi(= be ready) se tenir prêt(e)(= do nothing) rester là sans rien fairevt fus(= stick to) [+ opinion] s’en tenir à; [+ promise] tenir(= continue to tư vấn) ne pas abandonnerstand downvi (= withdraw) se retirerstand forvt fus(= be abbreviation of) être l’abréviation de
“BT” stands for “British Telecom” “BT” est l’abréviation de “British Telecom”.
What does CSE stand for?
BUT Que veut dire CSE?.(= represent) représenter(= tolerate) supporter, tolérer
I won’t stand for it! Je ne supporterai pas ça!stand in forvt fus remplacerstand outvi(= be noticeable) ressortir, se détacher
She really stands out in that orange coat
BUT Tout le monde la remarque avec ce manteau orange.(= be better than others) se distinguer
All the contestants were good, but none of them stood out Tous les concurrents étaient bons, mais aucun ne s’est distingué.stand upvi(= be upright) être debout
We waited standing up for an hour Nous avons attendu debout pendant une heure.(= rise) se lever, se mettre debout
I put down my glass and stood up J’ai posé mon verre et me suis levé., J’ai posé mon verre et me suis mis debout.(= be valid) [claim, accusations, evidence] être valablevt sep (= fail to meet) poser un lapin àstand up forvt fus défendre
Stand up for your rights! Défendez vos droits!stand up tovt fus(= resist) [+ person] tenir tête à(= withstand) [+ test, wear and tear] résister àstand-alone [ˈstændələʊn] adj [system] autonomeCollins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
vb: pret, ptp n(= position) Platz m, Standort m; (fig) Standpunkt m, Einstellung f (on zu); my stand is that ich stehe auf dem Standpunkt, dass , ich vertrete die Einstellung, dass ; to take a stand (on a matter) (zu einer Angelegenheit) eine Einstellung vertreten; to take a firm stand einen festen Standpunkt vertreten (on zu)(Mil: = resistance) Widerstand m; (= battle) Gefecht nt; to make a stand (lit, fig) sich widersetzen, Widerstand leisten; that was their last stand das war ihr letztes Gefecht(= taxi stand) Stand m(Brit Theat) Gastspiel nt; (of pop group etc) Konzert nt(= furniture, lamp stand, music stand) Ständer m(= market stall etc) Stand m(= band stand) Podium nt(Brit Sport) Tribüne f; (US Jur) Zeugenstand m; (we sat) in the stand (wir saßen) auf der Tribüne; to take the stand (Jur) in den Zeugenstand treten(esp US: Forest) (Baum)bestand mvt(= place) stellen ? stead, head(= withstand) pressure, close examination etc (= object) standhalten (+dat); (person) gewachsen sein (+dat); test bestehen; climate vertragen; heat, noise ertragen, aushalten; loss, cost verkraften; the wall could stand another coat of paint (inf) die Wand könnte noch einen Anstrich vertragen(inf: = put up with) person, noise, interruptions etc aushalten; I cant stand him/it (= dont like) ich kann ihn/das nicht ausstehen; I cant stand being kept waiting ich kann es nicht leiden or ausstehen, wenn man mich warten lässt; I cant stand it any longer ich halte das nicht mehr (länger) aus(Brit inf: = treat) to stand somebody a drink/a meal jdm einen Drink/ein Essen spendierento stand trial vor Gericht stehen (for wegen)vi(= be upright) stehen; (= get up) aufstehen; all stand! alles aufstehen!; dont just stand there(, do something)! stehen Sie nicht nur (dumm) rum, tun Sie was! (inf); to stand still still stehen; we stood talking wir standen da und unterhielten uns; stand and deliver! (old, hum) anhalten, her mit dem Zeug! (inf) ? attention, ease(= measure, person) groß sein; (tree etc) hoch sein(= be situated) stehen; it has stood there for 600 years es steht da schon seit 600 Jahren(= remain unchanged) stehen; (fig) bestehen (bleiben)to stand as a candidate kandidieren ? also stand for a(= continue to be valid, offer, argument, promise) gelten; (objection, contract) gültig bleiben; (decision, record, account) stehen; the theory stands or falls by or on this damit steht und fällt die Theorie(= be a certain level, thermometer, record) stehen ( auf +dat); (sales) liegen ( bei)(fig: = be in a position) we stand to lose/gain a lot wir können sehr viel verlieren/gewinnen; he stands to make a lot of money er wird wohl eine Menge Geld (dabei) verdienen; what do we stand to gain by it? was springt für uns dabei heraus? (inf), was bringt uns (dat) das ein?(fig: = be placed) how do we stand? wie stehen wir?; Id like to know where I stand (with him) ich möchte wissen, woran ich (bei ihm) bin; where do you stand with him? wie stehen Sie sich mit ihm?; where do you stand on this issue? welchen Standpunkt vertreten Sie in dieser Frage?; as things stand nach Lage der Dinge; as it stands so wie die Sache aussieht; to stand alone (= be best) unerreicht sein; to stand accused of something einer Sache (gen) angeklagt sein(fig: = be, continue to be) to stand firm or fast festbleiben; to stand ready sich bereithalten; to stand in need of help Hilfe brauchen; to stand together zusammenhalten; to stand (as) security for somebody für jdn bürgen; nothing now stands between us es steht nichts mehr zwischen unsto leave somebody/something standing (Brit inf) jdn/etw in den Schatten stellen
:standoffn (= stalemate) Patt nt, Pattsituation fstandoffishadj, standoffishlyadv (inf) distanziertstandoffishnessn (inf) Distanziertheit fstandpipen Steigrohr ntstandpointn Standpunkt m; from the stand of the teacher vom Standpunkt des Lehrers (aus) gesehenstandstilln Stillstand m; to be a stand (plane, train) stehen; (machines, traffic) stillstehen; (trade, factory, production) ruhen; to bring production to a stand die Produktion lahmlegen or zum Erliegen bringen; to come to a stand (person) stehen bleiben, anhalten; (vehicle) zum Stehen kommen, anhalten; (traffic, machines) zum Stillstand kommen; (industry etc) zum Erliegen kommenstand-upadj attr meal im Stehen; stand búp Phê Stehbüffet nt; stand collar Stehkragen m; stand comedian Bühnenkomiker(in) m(f), Alleinunterhalter(in) m(f); stand comedy Stand-up Comedy f; stand fight Schlägerei fn (inf) (= comedy) Stand-up Comedy f; (= comedian) Bühnenkomiker(in) m(f), Alleinunterhalter(in) m(f)Collins German Dictionary Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[stænd] (stood (vb: pt, pp))1. na. (booth) chiosco; (market stall) banco, bancarella; ( exhibition, fair) stand m inv; (raised area) (also bandstand) palco (Sport) tribuna (Am) (Law) (also witness stand) banco
a music stand un leggio
he kicked the ball into the stand con un calcio ha tirato la palla in tribunab. (position, also) (fig) posizione f; (resistance) resistenza
to take (up) one’s stand the door prendere il proprio posto vicino alla porta
to take a stand on an issue prendere posizione su un problema
to make a stand against sth (Mil) (fig) opporre resistenza contro qcc. (also taxi stand) posteggio di taxi2. vta. (place) mettere, porre
to stand sth against a wall appoggiare qc a un muro
to stand sth on end mettere qc in piedib. (withstand, bear, weight) reggere a, resistere, sopportare
it won’t stand serious examination non reggerà ad un esame accurato
the troops stood heavy bombardment le truppe hanno sopportato pesanti bombardamenti
the company will have to stand the loss la ditta dovrà sostenere la perdita
to stand the cost of sobbarcarsi le spese dic. (tolerate) sopportare
I can’t stand him non lo sopporto
I can’t stand the sight of him non lo posso vedere
I can’t stand it any longer! non ce la faccio più!
I can’t stand waiting for people non sopporto aspettare la gented. (fam) (treat) to stand sb a drink/meal offrire da bere/un pranzo a qne. (phrases) to stand guard or watch (Mil) essere di guardia or sentinella
to stand guard over (Mil) (fig) fare la guardia a3. via. (be upright) stare in piedi; (stay standing) restare in piedi; (get up) alzarsi
I had to stand sono dovuto restare in piedi
he could hardly stand si reggeva a malapena
the woman standing over there la donna in piedi laggiù
don’t just stand there – help me! non stare lì impalato – aiutami!
the house is still standing la casa è ancora in piedi
they stood talking for hours restarono a parlare per delle ore
they kept us standing about or around for ages ci hanno fatto aspettare in piedi per ore
to stand on sb’s foot pestare il piede a qn
to stand in sb’s way intralciare il passaggio a qn
I won’t stand in your way (fig) non ti sarò d’ostacolo
nothing stands in our way la via è libera
that was all that stood between him and … era tutto ciò che si frapponeva fra lui e…
nothing stands between us non c’è niente che ci separi
to be left standing (building) essere rimasto/a in piedi (fig) (competitor) essere bruciato/a in partenza
it made my hair stand on end mi ha fatto rizzare i capelli
to stand still stare fermo/a (in piedi)
to stand fast tener duro
to stand on one’s own two feet (fig) cavarsela da solo/a
to stand on one’s head/hands fare la verticale in appoggio/la verticale
he could do the job standing on his head potrebbe fare quel lavoro a occhi chiusi
to stand a (good) chance of avere una (buona) possibilità di
to stand on the brakes (Aut) frenare di colpo
to stand on one’s dignity stare sulle sueb. he stands over 6 feet è alto più di 2m
the tower stands 50m high la torre è alta 50mc. (be situated, building, tree) trovarsi, stare
the car stands outside all year round la macchina sta fuori tutto l’annod. (Culin) to leave to stand (tea) lasciare in infusione; (batter) (lasciar) riposare
my objection still stands la mia obiezione è ancora valida
to let sth stand as it is lasciare qc così com’è
the theory stands or falls on this è questo il presupposto su cui si basa la teoria
it stands to reason that … è logico che…e. (fig) (be placed) stare
to stand accused of essere accusato/a di
how do things stand? come stanno le cose?
as things stand stando così le cose
to stand (thermometer, clock) indicare, segnare (offer, price, sales) ammontare a (score) esseref. (Pol) to stand as a candidate candidarsi
to stand in an election candidarsi ad un’elezione
to stand for Parliament candidarsi al Parlamentog. (Naut) to stand out to sea stare al largostand aside vi + adv farsi da parte, scostarsistand back vi + adv tirarsi indietro; (building, be placed further back) to stand back from essere arretrato/a rispetto astand by1. vi + adv (be onlooker) stare là (a non far niente); (be ready) tenersi pronto/a
stand by for further news tenetevi pronti a ricevere altre notizie2. vi + prep (person) rimanere vicino/a a; (promise) mantenere; (opinion) sostenerestand down vi + adv (withdraw) ritirarsi (Mil) smontare di guardia (Law) lasciare il banco dei testimoni
to stand down in favour of (fig) farsi da parte a favore distand for vi + prepa. (represent, principle, honesty) rappresentare; (subj, initials) indicare, stare perb. (tolerate) tollerare, sopportare
I won’t stand for that non tollero una cosa del generec. (Pol) = stand 3fstand in vi + adv to stand in for sb sostituire qnstand out vi + adva. (be noticeable, veins, eyes) sporgere; (colours) risaltare, spiccare; (person) distinguersi; (mountains) stagliarsi
it stands out a mile! si vede lontano un miglio!b. (be firm, hold out) resistere, tener duro
to stand out against sth opporsi fermamente a qc
to stand out for sth rivendicare qc, insistere su qcstand over1. vi + adv (items for discussion) rimanere in sospeso2. vt + prep (person) stare adosso astand to vi + adv (Mil) tenersi pronto/astand up1. vi + adv (rise) alzarsi in piedi; (be standing) stare in piedi (fig) (argument) reggersi2. vt + adv (fam) (girlfriend, boyfriend) she stood me up non è venuta all’appuntamentostand up for vi + adv + prep difendere
to stand up for sb/sth difendere qn/qc
to stand up for o.s. difendersistand up to vi + adv + prep tenere testa a, resistere a
to stand up to sb tenere testa a qn, affrontare qn con coraggio
it stands up to hard wear è resistente (all’uso)Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(stӕnd) past tense, past participle stood (stud) verb1. to be in an upright position, not sitting or lying. His leg was so painful that he could hardly stand; After the storm, few trees were left standing. staande يَقِف стоя прав estar de pé stát stehen stå; stå op στέκομαι seisma ايستادن seisoa être debout לַעֲמוֹד खड़ा रहना stajati, biti uspravan áll berdiri standa (stare in piedi) 立つ 서있다 stovėti stāvēt tegak staanståstaćestar de pé a sta în picioare стоять stáť stati stajati stå ยืน ayakta durmak 站立 стояти کھڑا ہونا đứng 站立2. (often with up) to rise to the feet. He pushed back his chair and stood up; Some people like to stand (up) when the National Anthem is played. staan يَقوم، يَقِف ставам pôr-se de pé vstát stehen rejse sig (op); stå (op) στέκομαι, σηκώνομαι όρθιος püsti tõusma برخاستن nousta seisomaan se mettre debout לַקוּם खड़ा हो जाना, उठ खड़ा होना ustati feláll bangkit berdiri standa upp, rísa á fætur (stare in piedi), (alzarsi in piedi) 起立する (일어)서다 atsistoti piecelties [] berdiri opstaanreise seg wstawać, stać pôr-se de pé a se ridica în picioare вставать vstať vstati ustati stå (ställa sig) upp ลุกขึ้นยืน kalkmak 站起 вставати; стояти کھڑے ہونا đứng lên 站起3. to remain motionless. The train stood for an hour outside Newcastle. staan يَتَوَقَّف спирам се permanecer stát stehen holde στέκω ακίνητος seisma jääma قرار گرفتن seisoa rester לְהִישַאֵר לְלא תְּנוּעָה स्थिर होना stajati na mjestu, zaustaviti se áll tidak bergerak standa kyrr restare 止まっている 정지해 있다 stovėti stāvēt tidak bergerak staan stå stille stać permanecer a staţiona стоять stáť stati stajati u mestu stå stilla หยุดอยู่ hareketsiz durmak 停滯 стояти (на місці) بے حرکت ہونا có, đứng, ở 停滞4. to remain unchanged. This law still stands. nog geldig يَبْقى سارِيا не се променям manter-se inalterado platit gelten gælde παραμένω, ισχύω ως έχω kehtima سر جاي خود باقي ماندن olla voimassa maintenir לְהִישַאֵר לְלא שִׁינוּי अपरिवर्तित रहना ostati nepromijenjen, vrijediti i dalje fennáll tidak berubah, masih berlaku halda gildi, standast (essere valido) 有効である 그대로다 galioti pastāvēt; būt spēkā tidak berubah geldenstå ved makt, gjelde pozostawać w mocy, obowiązywać manter-se em vigor a se menţine действовать platiť veljati važiti stå fast ยืนหยัด geçerli/yürürlükte olmak 保持不變 залишатися чинним کوءی تبدیلی نہ ہونا có mức giá trị, không thay đổi 保持不变5. to be in or have a particular place. There is now a factory where our house once stood. was, wees يَقوم، يكونُ موجودا намирам се на дадено място encontrar-se stát stehen stå; ligge στέκω, είμαι τοποθετημένος asetsema در وضعي بودن sijaita s’élever לְהִימַצֵא स्थित होना biti smješten, nalaziti se fekszik (vmi), áll terletak standa trovarsi 位置する 위치하다 stovėti atrasties; būt novietotam ada staanstå, ligge, sittestaćencontrar-se a se ridica находиться stáť stati biti ligga, vara belägen ตั้งอยู่ที่ (belli bir yerde) olmak/bulunmak 在某處 бути розташованим کسی مخصوص جگہ پر ہونا tại vị, bền 在某处,位于6. to be in a particular state, condition or situation. As matters stand, we can do nothing to help; How do you stand financially? staat, situasie يَبدو، يكونُ وَضْعُه стоя estar stát (si) liegen stå υφίσταμαι, είμαι σε κατάσταση (mingis) seisus olema درموقعيت خاصي بودن olla jossakin tilassa dans l’état oû, dans ces conditions לַעֲמוֹד कीमत रखना, महत्व रखना stajati, biti u određenom položaju áll keadaan standa trovarsi, essere, stare ~の状態である (어떤 상태로 있다) būti Kāds ir jūsu finansiālais stāvoklis? keadaan staanståstać, wyglądaćestar a fi întro anume stare/condiţie обстоять stáť stati stajati förhålla sig, ligga till มีสภาพ olmak 處於某種狀態 перебувати в певному стані کسی خاص حالت میں ہونا chịu đựng, giữ vững 处于某种状态(或境地)7. to accept or offer oneself for a particular position etc. He is standing as Parliamentary candidate for our district. verkiesbaar stel يُرَشِّحُ نَفْسَه кандидатирам се candidatar-se být bewerben stille op θέτω υποψηφιότητα, αποδέχομαι μια θέση kandideerima داوطلب شدن olla ehdolla être candidat (à) לְהַצִיג מוּעֲמָדוּת पेश करना biti kandidat, kandidirati jelölteti magát menyediakan diri bjóða sig fram candidarsi 立候補する 입후보하다 sutikti būti, iškelti save kandidēt; balotēties bertanding zich kandidaat stellenstille som kandidat, stille segkandydowaćcandidatar-se a candida баллотироваться kandidovať kandidirati kandidovati se ställa upp สมัครรับเลือกตั้ง aday olmak 接受或使某人處於某個職位 виступати کوءی خاص عہدہ قبول کرنا یا سونپنا ra ứng cử 接受或使某人处于某种境地8. to put in a particular position, especially upright. He picked up the fallen chair and stood it beside the table. regop sit يوقِف поставям изправен colocar postavit stellen stille στήνω κτ., τοποθετώ (püsti) panema موضع خود را مشخص كردن asettaa poser לְהַעֲמִיד सीधा करना uspraviti, postaviti uspravno állít vhova mendirikan setja, stilla (upp/á) mettere 立てる (세워) 두다 pastatyti nolikt; nostādīt menegakkan zettensette, legge, stillestawiaćcolocar a aşeza în picioare ставить postaviť postaviti uspraviti ställa ตั้ง; วาง dikmek, koymak 豎放 поставити کسی خاص جگہ پر رکھنا đặt, để, dựng 竖放9. to undergo or endure. He will stand (his) trial for murder; I can’t stand her rudeness any longer. verdra يَتَحَمَّل търпя sofrer podřídit se; snášet ertragen blive stillet for retten; klare υφίσταμαι, ανέχομαι välja kannatama تحمل كردن käydä läpi, kestää supporter לַעֲמוֹד ל- मुकदमा का सामना करना podnositi, trpjeti elvisel menghadapi eiga lögsókn yfir höfði sér, þola sopportare 我慢する 견디다 stoti prieš (teismą), pakęsti, iškęsti izturēt; paciest menjalani verdragenunderkaste seg, stå for retten; utstå, tåle, orkewytrzymywać sofrer a suporta подвергаться; выносить stáť; zniesť prestati; prenašati podneti undergå, stå [inför rätta], tåla อดทน tahammül etmek, uğramak, çekmek 忍受 витримувати; зазнавати برداشت کرنا trải qua, chịu đựng 忍受10. to pay for (a meal etc) for (a person). Let me stand you a drink! betaal يَدْفَع عَن черпя pagar zaplatit spendieren byde på κερνώ (kellelegi midagi) välja tegema مهمان كردن tarjota offrir לְשָלֵם עָבוּר किसी के बदले कीमत चुकाना častiti koga čime, platiti što fizet menraktir borga fyrir, bjóða upp á offrire おごる (식사 등의) 비용을 부답하다 pavaišinti izmaksāt belanja trakteren opspandere, rive istawiać pagar угощать zaplatiť dati za platiti bjuda på จ่าย ısmarlamak, ikram etmek 付帳 пригощати, частувати خرچ برداشت کرنا thết, đãi 付帐noun1. a position or place in which to stand ready to fight etc, or an act of fighting etc. The guard took up his stand the gate; I shall make a stand for what I believe is right. gereedheid, vegposisie وَقْفَه، مَوْضِع позиция posição stanoviště; bojovné stanovisko der Platz plads; stå frem (med) θέση positsioon, asend استقامت asento posteעמדה खड़ा होना položaj, stav állásfoglalás posisi melawan staða posto, posizione 抵抗 저항 vieta, pozicija, požiūris postenis; pozīcija; vieta bersedia stellingstilling; det å stå fram/markere seg stanowiskoposição post место; позиция; точка зрения stanovisko; postoj položaj stav posto, ställning, ståndpunkt จุดยืน duruş (戰鬥)陣地 пост قاءم vị trí đứng, sự đứng yên (战斗)立场2. an object, especially a piece of furniture, for holding or supporting something. a coat-stand; The sculpture had been removed from its stand for cleaning. stander حامِل، مِشْجَب подпора suporte stojan der Ständer stativ; -stativ; stand στήριγμα, βάση alus, tugi موضوع jalusta, teline supportכן धानी stalak, polica állvány standar statíf, standur stand, supporto 台 대(臺) stovas, pjedestalas statīvs; statnis; pjedestāls tempat menggantung sesuatu standerstativstojak, podstawa suporte uport стоика; вешалка; стенд stojan stojalo postolje ställ, ställning ขาตั้งสำหรับวางสิ่งต่าง ๆ … sehpası, ayak, taban, kaide 架(子) стійка; підставка کوءی چیز رکھنے کی جگہ giá, bệ , khung 架(子)3. a stall where goods are displayed for sale or advertisement. stalletjie كُشْك بَضائِع أو صُحُف сергия banca stánek der Stand stand πάγκος, περίπτερο kiosk غرفه koju étalageדוכן मंच štand, prodavaonica stand stand sölubás bancarella 売店 매장 stendas, vitrina stends tempat pameran jualan standsalgsbod, standstoisko, wystawaquiosque stand прилавок stánok stojnica štand stånd, kiosk แผงลอย stand, tezgâh (展示、銷售)攤 кіоск; прилавок چبوترہ quầy bán hàng, quán (展示、销售)摊4. a large structure beside a football pitch, race course etc with rows of seats for spectators. The stand was crowded. pawiljoen مُدَرَّج المُتَفَرِّجين трибуна arquibancada tribuna die Tribüne tilskuerplads εξέδρα tribüün جايگاه تماشاگران katsomo tribuneיציע दर्शक दीर्घा tribina lelátó tribune áhorfendapallur tribuna スタンド 관람석 tribūna tribīne tempat duduk penonton tribunetribune trybuna arquibancada tribună трибуна tribúna tribuna tribina åskådarläktare อัฒจันทร์ tribün 看臺 трибуна فٹ بال یا گھڑ دوڑ کے میدان سے لگی ہوءی بڑی عمارت khán đài 看台5. (American) a witness box in a law court. getuiebank كُشْك الشّاهِد في المَحْكَمَه свидетелско място banco de testemunha svědecká lavice der Zeugenstand vidneskranke έδρανο εξεταζόμενου μάρτυρα tunnistajapult جايگاه شهود todistajanaitio barre דוּכָן עֵדִים कटघरा mjesto za svjedoka tanúk padja kotak saksi vitnastúka (banco dei testimoni) 証人席 증인석 liudytojo vieta liecinieka vieta (tiesā) kandang saksi getuigenbank vitneboks miejsce dla świadka barra das testemunhas boxă место для дачи свидетельских показаний svedecká lavica prostor za priče boks za svedoka vittnesbås แท่นสำหรับพยานยืนในศาล tanık yeri (美)法院的證人席 місце свідка в суді عدالت میں گواہ کا کٹہرا ghế nhân chứng trong tòa án (美)法院的证人席take the standto come and sit in the witness box in order to testify. The witness was asked to take the stand. in die getuiebank staan يَقِف في كُشْك الشّاهِد заемам свидетелско място testemunhar zaujmout místo ve svědecké lavici eine Aussage vor Gericht machen tage plads i vidneskranken og afgive forklaring παίρνω τη θέση του μάρτυρα στο δικαστήριο tunnistama, tunnistajapinki minema قرار گرفتن در جايگاه شهود astua todistajanaitioon venir à la barre לַעֲמוֹד בְּדוּכָן הַעֵדִים कटघरा में खड़ा होना zauzeti mjesto za svjedoka radi svjedočenja (sud) tanúvallomást tesz bersaksi (presentarsi al banco dei testimoni) 証人台に立つ 증인대에 서다 stoti teisme liudytoju ieņemt liecinieka vietu tiesā ke kandang saksi in de getuigenbank gaan staan, getuigenis afleggen møte og avgi forklaring i vitneboksen zająć miejsce dla świadków давать показания zaujať miesto v lavici svedkov pričati (na sodišču) svedočiti avlägga vittnesmål นั่งในตำแหน่งพยานของศาล tanıklık yapmak 出庭作證 свідчити в суді گواہی دینے کے لیے کٹہرے میں آنا tuyên bố quan điểm, ý kiến của tớ 出庭作证ˈstanding adjectivepermanent. The general’s standing orders must be obeyed. permanent, staande دائِم، مُسْتَمِر неизменен permanente trvalý ständig stående μόνιμος, πάγιος püsiv, alaline هميشگي pysyvä établiקבוע स्थायी stalan, trajan állandó permanen varanlegur; sem gildir þangað til annað er ákveðið stabilito, permanente 永続的な 영속적인, 유효한 nuolatinis pastāvīgs; parasts ketetapan permanentstående stale obowiązujący permanente permanent постоянный trvalý trajen stalan stående, ständig ถาวร sürekli 永久的 постійний; установлений مستقل thường trực, vĩnh cửu 永久的noun1. time of lasting. an agreement of long standing. duurte قَديم العَهْد، مُدَّة طويلَه продължителност duração trvání die Dauer gennem lang tid διάρκεια kestus اعتبار kesto duréeמשך זמן अवधि trajanje tartam; régi waktu lama varanleiki durata 継続 지속 trukmė ilgums waktu lama duurmangeårig, vedvarendeczas trwaniaduração durată продолжительность trvajúci dlho trajanje trajanje varaktighet ระยะเวลา süre, …-lik 期間 тривалість دیر پا sự lâu dài, khoảng chừng chừng thời hạn 期间2. rank or reputation. a diplomat of high standing. reputasie ذو مكانَه رَفيعَه реноме prestígio postavení der Stand rang; omdømme θέση, βαθμίδα, υπόληψη järk, tähtsus شهرت asema importanceמעמד पद या पदवी položaj, ugled rang peringkat í (miklum) metum posizione, condizione 地位 명망 rangas, padėtis rangs; stāvoklis reputasi ranghøy stilling; godt omdømmepozycjaprestígio importanţă ранг; положение postavenie ugled rang ställning, status ชื่อเสียง rütbe, saygınlık 地位,名望 посада; становище عہدہ nổi tiếng, vị thế 地位,名望ˈstand-by plural ˈstand-bys noun1. readiness for action. Two fire-engines went directly to the fire, and a third was on stand-by (= ready to go if ordered). in/op gereedheid في حالَة اسْتِعْداد в готовност prontidão pohotovost die Reserve i venteposition; på standby σε ετοιμότητα, σε επιφυλακή valmisolek آماده عمل valmiustila d’intervention לִהיוֹת בּכּוֹננוּת आपातोपयोगी spremnost, stanje pripravnosti készenlétben kesiagaan sem er ávallt til reiðu riserva 待機 대기 parengtis rezerve bersedia reserve det å være parat gotowość reserva stand by готовность pohotovosť pripravljenost rezerva beredskap การเตรียมพร้อม harekete hazır olma 備用設備 положення бойової готовності موجود ہونا sẵn sàng tuân lệnh, trực chiến 备用设备2. something that can be used in an emergency etc. Fruit is a good stand-by when children get hungry between meals. vervanging, noodvoorraad شَيئٌ لِحالَة الطَّوارئ резерва recurso rezerva der Ersatz reserve λύση ανάγκης hädaabi, tagavara ذخيره hätävara d’appointכוננות घनिष्ट साथी, आपत्ति pomoć, oslonac tartalék cadangan viðbót; snarl ripiego 代わり 비상용 atsarginis dalykas, iðsigelbëjimas, iðeitis rezerve; aizvietotājs; atbalsts bersedia reservereserverezerwa, ratunek recurso suplinitor испытанное средство rezerva pomoč rezerva reserv, ersättning สิ่งที่ใช้ได้ในยามฉุกเฉิน acil durumda kullanılan şey 備用品 вихід; резерв کوءی چیز جو ضرورت پڑنے پر استعمال کی جا سکے vật sẵn sàng thay thế trong trường hợp khẩn cấp 备用品adjective(of an airline passenger or ticket) costing or paying less than the usual fare, as the passenger does not book a seat for a particular flight, but waits for the first available seat. op gereedheid قَليل التَّكْلِفَه чартърен lista de espera náhradní stand-by standby; standby- που ανήκει σε λίστα αναμονής (για εισιτήριο) vabaks jäänud piletiga, ootelehel در ليست انتظار peruutus- sans garantie סְטֶנד-בַּי प्रतीक्षार्थी jeftiniji, povoljniji (karta bez rezervacije mjesta uz čekanje prvog slobodnog mjesta) helyre váró (utas) tanpa garansi hopp (hoppfarþegi/-miði) (in lista di attesa) キャンセル待ちの (항공기) 공석 대기의 nerezervuojantis, nerezervuotas bez biļetes rezervēšanas tanpa jaminan stand-bysjansebillett bez rezerwacji lista de espera fără garanţie по сниженной цене náhradný na čakalnem seznamu koji čeka na upražnjeno mesto standby- ซึ่งเป็นที่นั่งสำรอง yedekteki yolcu (飛機)候補票(票) резервний, запасний ہواءی جہاز وغیرہ کے اصل کراءے سے کم قیمت ادا کرنا dự trữ, dự trữ (飞机)廉价候座(票)adverbtravelling in this way. It costs a lot less to travel stand-by. op gereedheid مُسافِر اللحْظَةِ الأخيرَه، مُسافِر إحْتِياطي чартър em lista de espera jako náhradník stand-by standby ταξιδεύοντας με λίστα αναμονής vabaks jäänud piletiga, lantides در ليست انتظار بودن peruutuslipulla sans garantie לְטַיֵיל בְּסְטֶנד-בַּי इस प्रकार से यात्रा करना putovati bez rezervacije, povoljnije helyre váró utasként utazik tanpa garansi á hoppmiða (in lista di attesa) キャンセル待ちで 공석 대기표 여행으로 nerezervavus nerezervējot biļeti tanpa jaminan stand-by med/på sjansebillett bez rezerwacji em lista de espera fără garanţie по сниженной цене ako náhradník potovati v aranžmaju stand-by putovati kao rezervni putnik med (på) standbybiljett ท่องเที่ยวในทางนี้ yedek 候補票(票)旅行 у резерві اس طریقے سے سفر کرنا dự trữ, dự trữ 购买廉价候座(票)旅行ˈstand-in nouna person who takes someone else’s job etc for a temporary period, especially in making films. tydelike persoon بَديل، إحْتِياطي дубльор substituto dubl, dvojník das Double stand-in αντικαταστάτης asendaja, dublant جانشين sijainen remplaçant, ante, doublureמחליף स्थापन्न होना zamjenik, dubler dublőr pengganti staðgengill sostituto, supplente 代役 대역 dubleris dublieris; aizvietotājs pengganti vervangerreserve, stedfortrederzastępca, zastępstwosubstituto suplinitor, înlocuitor дублер; замена dvojník namestnik zamena stand-in, ersättare ผู้ทำหน้าที่แทน vekil, yardımcı 替身 заміна; дублер حصہ دار ہونا người đóng vai phụ, người đóng thế 替身ˈstanding-room nounspace for standing only, not sitting. There was standing-room only on the bus. staanruimte مَكان للوُقوف فَقَط място з аправостоящи lugar de pé místo k stání der Stehplatz ståplads χώρος για όρθιους seisukoht مكان براي ايستادن seisomapaikka place debout מָקוֹם עֲמִידָה खड़ा होने की जगह prostor za stajanje, stajaće mjesto állóhely tempat berdiri stæði (posti in piedi) 立見席 입석 stovimos vietos stāvvieta tempat berdiri staanplaatsen ståplass miejsca stojące lugar de pé locuri în picioare стоячее место miesto na státie stojišče mesto za stajanje plats att stå, ståplats ที่ว่างสำหรับยืน durma yeri 站座 стояче місце کھڑے ہونے کی جگہ chỗ đứng 站座make someone’s hair stand on endto frighten someone very greatly. The horrible scream made his hair stand on end. regop staan يوقِفُ شَعْر الرأس изправя ми се косата deixar alguém com os cabelos em pé vyděsit die Haare zu Berge stehen lassen få håret til rejse sig τρομάζω κπ. hirmu nahka ajama, juukseid püsti ajama شديدا ترساندن nostattaa hiukset pystyyn faire dresser les cheveux sur la tête לְהַפחִיד बहुत डरा देना izazvati jezu, užas égnek áll vmitől vki haja menakutkan fá hárin (á e-m) til að rísa (far rizzare i capelli a qualcuno) ふるえ上らせる (~을) 소름 끼치게 하다 išgąsdinti taip, kad plaukai piestu atsistotų likt matiem sacelties stāvus meremang bulu roma iemands haren te berge doen rijzen få håret til å reise seg sprawić, że komuś włosy stają dęba pôr os cabelos em pé a alguém a i se face părul măciucă у кого-л. волосы встали дыбом vydesiť hudo prestrašiti prestrašiti få håret att resa sig på ngn ทำให้ตกใจที่ได้เห็น ได้ยิน หรือลิ้มรส tüylerini ürpertmek 毛骨悚然 (у когось) волосся дибки стає کسی کو بہت خوف زدہ کرنا làm ai hoảng sợ phát khiếp 毛骨悚然stand asideto move to one side or withdraw out of someone’s way. He stood aside to let me pass. opsy staan يَقِفُ جانِبا заставам настрани afastar-se ustoupit stranou beiseite treten træde til side παραμερίζω kõrvale astuma كنار ايستادن siirtyä sivuun s’écarter לַעֲמוֹד מִן הַצַד नाम वापस लेना stajati po strani, stupiti na stranu félreáll menyingkir færa sig til hliðar/frá, hleypa e-m framhjá scansarsi わきへ寄る 옆으로 비켜서다 pasitraukti į šalį paiet sāņus; dot ceļu menyingkir opzij gaantre til sideodsunąć sięafastar-se a se da în lături/la o parte посторониться ustúpiť nabok umakniti se stati sa strane gå undan, ta ett steg åt sidan หลบเข้าข้าง kenara çekilmek 讓開 сторонитися راستے سے ہٹنا nhường chỗ, đứng qua một bên 让开stand backto move backwards or away. A crowd gathered round the injured man, but a policeman ordered everyone to stand back. terugstaan يَرْجِع إلى الوراء отдръпвам (се) recuar ustoupit zurücktreten trække tilbage κάνω πίσω taganema عقب تر ايستادن siirtyä kauemmas reculer לָזוּז אָחוֹרָה पीछे हटना, कुछ दूरी पर स्थित होना stupiti natrag, ustuknuti hátrább húzódik mundur færa sig frá indietreggiare 退がる 뒤로 물러나다 pasitraukti atvirzīties; atkāpties berundur achteruit gaan trekke tilbake/ut av veien cofnąć recuar a se da înapoi отойти ustúpiť umakniti se povući se ge plats, flytta sig bakåt ถอยกลับไป geri çekilmek/durmak 退後,退讓 відступати, триматися ззаду پیچھے ہٹنا یا دور جانا lùi lại 退后,退让stand by1. to watch something happening without doing anything. I couldn’t just stand by while he was hitting the child. wag en kyk يَقِفُ مكتوف اليَدَيْن، يَقْفُ مُتًفَرِّجا не предприемам нищо ficar de fora nečinně stát daneben stehen stå og se til παρακολουθώ αμέτοχος kõrvalt vaatama نظاره گر بودن katsoa sivusta rester là (à ne rien faire) לַעֲמוֹד מִן הַצַד उपस्थित होना stajati i promatrati, ne miješati se tétlenül néz menonton vera óvirkur áhorfandi (stare a guardare) 傍観する 방관하다 pasyviai stebėti pasīvi vērot memerhatikan staan kijken stå og se på stać bezczynnie ficar de fora a rămâne pasiv быть безучастным nečinne stáť (mirno) gledati stajati sa strane bara stå och se på เฝ้าดู öylece durup seyretmek 袖手旁觀 бути байдужим глядачем کسی چیز کو ہوتے ہوءے دیکھنا đứng nhìn mà không làm gì 袖手旁观2. to be ready to act. The police are standing by in case of trouble. gereed wees يَقِفُ مُسْتَعِدا стоя в готовност estar de prontidão stát v pohotovosti bereitstehen være parat είμαι σε επιφυλακή (tegevus)valmis olema به حالت آماده باش بودن olla toimintavalmiina se tenir prêt à intervenir לִהיוֹת בְּכוֹננוּת प्रतीक्षा करना biti spreman készen(létben) áll siap siaga vera viðbúinn (essere presente), (essere sul luogo) 待機する 대기하다 būti pasirengusiam būt klāt; būt gatavībā bersedia gereed staan holde seg parat być w pogotowiu manter-se alerta a fi gata să intervină стоять наготове stáť v pohotovosti biti v pripravljenosti biti u pripravnosti vara beredd, ligga i beredskap เตรียมพร้อม hazır beklemek 準備行動 бути напоготові عمل کے لیے تیار رہنا thực thi, thi hành 准备行动3. to tư vấn; to stay loyal to. She stood by him throughout his trial. lojaal bly يَدْعَم، يَبْقى مُخْلِصا поддържам apoiar stát při zur Seite stehen stå ved nogens side παραστέκομαι, μένω αφοσιωμένος σε κπ. toeks olema وفادار بودن tukea soutenir לתמוך ב- का समर्थन करना pomagati kome, podržavati mellette áll vkinek mendukung standa með appoggiare, sostenere 支持する 지지하다 palaikyti, remti būt blakus; atbalstīt; palikt uzticīgam menyokong bijstaanstå vedwspieraćapoiar a susţine поддерживать stáť pri stati ob strani podržati stödja สนับสนุน desteklemek 支持 допомагати, підтримувати مدد کرنا bênh vực, ủng hộ 支持stand downto withdraw eg from a contest. onttrek يَنْسَحِبُ من المُسابَقَه отказвам се retirar-se (de) odstoupit zurücktreten vige pladsen; trække sig αποσύρομαι από διαγωνισμό loobuma كناره گيري كردن vetäytyä se désister לְהַסִיר מוֹעֲמָדוּת प्रतियोगिता से हट जाना povući se, odstupiti visszalép mengundurkan diri draga sig til baka ritirarsi 辞退する 물러나다 nebedalyvauti, išeiti iš žaidimo atsaukt savu kandidatūru; izstāties (no sacensības) menarik diri zich terugtrekkentrekke seg, vike plassen wycofywać się retirar-se a demisiona уступать, освобождать место odstúpiť odstopiti povući se dra sig ur, träda tillbaka ถอนตัว çekilmek, istifa etmek 退出,下台,離席(法律) виходити علیٰحدہ ہونا rút lui 退出,引退,撤离stand fast/firmto refuse to yield. vasstaan يَقِفُ ثابِتا، يَرْفُضُ التَّنازُل أو الإسْتِسْلام не отстъпвам manter-se firme držet se dobře hart bleiben stå fast δεν υποχωρώ, κρατώ γερά kindlaks jääma به مرخصي رفتن pysyä kovana tenir bon/ferme לְסַרֵב לַעֲצוֹר झुकने से इनकार करना izdržati, ne popustiti szilárd marad pantang menyerah neita að gefa eftir , resistere がんばる 흔들리지 않다 laikytis, nepasiduoti nepadoties; neatkāpties berdiri teguh voet bij stuk houden stå fast vedtrzymać się, nie poddawać się manter-se firme a rămâne pe poziţie не уступать, стоять на своём neustúpiť dobro se držati istrajati stå fast ไม่ยอมแพ้ pes etmemek 堅貞不屈 не відступати ثابت قدم رہنا tại vị 坚贞不屈stand for1. to be a candidate for election to. He stood for Parliament. verkiesbaar stel يُرَشِّحُ نَفْسَه للإنتِخابات кандидатирам се candidatar-se kandidovat kandidieren stille op βάζω υποψηφιότητα σε εκλογές kandideerima كانديدا شدن olla ehdolla être candidat/-ate (à, pour) לִהיוֹת מוֹעֲמַד उम्मीदवार बनना biti kandidat, kandidirati se pályázik (vmire); jelölteti magát menjadi calon bjóða sig fram candidarsi per 立候補する 입후보하다 būti renkamam/kandidatu kandidēt; balotēties calon kandidaat staan voor stille til valg kandydować do candidatar-se a fi candidat (la/ pentru) баллотироваться kandidovať kandidirati kandidovati se ställa upp som kandidat till, kandidera till สมัครรับเลือกตั้ง aday olmak 候選人 бути кандидатом الیکشن کے لیے کھڑے ہونا ủng hộ cái gì 做候选人2. to be an abbreviation for. HQ stands for Headquarters. beteken يَرْمُز означавам significar znamenat bedeuten stå for συμβολίζω, σημαίνω olema (millegi) lühend مخفف چيزي بودن olla lyhenne jstk vouloir dire לִהיוֹת קִיצוּר שֶׁל संक्षिप्त रूप होना biti skraćenica za azt jelenti, hogy … berarti tákna significare, stare per ~の略である (~)의 약자가 되다 būti trumpiniu nozīmēt; apzīmēt memberi maksud betekenenstå for, være forkortelse for być skrótem od significar a fi simbolul быть сокращением znamenať pomeniti biti skraćenica za stå för ย่อมาจาก …-in kısa biçimi olmak 是…的簡寫 символізувати, означати کسی چیز کا مخفف ہونا là chữ viết tắt của cái gì 是…的简写3. to represent. I like to think that our school stands for all that is best in education. verteenwoordig يُمَثِّلُ представлявам representar reprezentovat stehen für stå for αντιπροσωπύω esindama پاي بند بودن edustaa représenter לְייַצֵג का प्रतिनिधित्व करना predstavljati képvisel (vmit) mewakili vera merkisberi rappresentare ~を表わす 표상한다 rodyti, atspindėti pārstāvēt; atspoguļot mewakili staan voorstå for, symboliserereprezentowaćrepresentar a reprezenta символизировать reprezentovať predstavljati predstavljati stå för, representera เป็นตัวแทน temsil etmek 代表 підтримувати, стояти за نماءندگی کرنا đại diện thay mặt thay mặt thay mặt thay mặt cho cái gì 代表4. to tolerate. I won’t stand for this sort of behaviour. toelaat يَتَحَمَّل търпя tolerar trpět, tolerovat sich gefallen lassen ikke finde sig i ανέχομαι taluma تحمل كردن sietää tolérer לִסבּוֹל को बरदाश्त करना tolerirati, pristati tolerál, tűr tahan þola tollerare ~を許す 묵인하다 pakęsti paciest; samierināties bertoleransi duldenfinne seg i zgadzać się na tolerar a tolera терпеть tolerovať dopuščati tolerisati tåla, finna sig i ทน katlanmak, tahammül etmek 允許 терпіти, зносити برداشت کرنا tha thứ 允许stand into take another person’s place, job etc for a time. The leading actor was ill and another actor stood in for him. instaan يُبَدِّل مؤقَّتا замествам substituir zastoupit einspringen være stand-in αντικαθιστώ asendama جاي كسي را گرفتن sijaistaa remplacer לְהַחֲלִיף का स्थान लेना zamijeniti beugrik menggantikan hlaupa í skarðið fyrir sostituire 代役をする 대역하다 pakeisti aizstāt; aizvietot menggantikan vervangenvære reserve, overta en rolle på kort varsel zastępować substituir a înlocui, a ţine locul заменять zastúpiť vskočiti kot nadomestilo biti zamena vara stand-in, vikariera ทำหน้าที่แทน …-in yerini almak 代替者,替身 підміняти; бути дублером کچھ دیر کے لیے کسی دوسرے کی جگہ لینا đại diện thay mặt thay mặt thay mặt thay mặt cho 代替者,替身stand on one’s own (two) feetto manage one’s own affairs without help. eie sake sélf reël يَقِفُ على رِجْلَيْه، يُدَبِّر أمورَه لوَحْدِه справям се сам andar com suas próprias pernas stát na vlastních nohách auf eigenen Füßen stehen klare sig selv τα βγάζω πέρα μόνος μου omapäi toime tulema روي پاي خود ايستادن seistä omilla jaloillaan voler de ses propres ailes לַעֲמוֹד עַל שְׁתֵי הַרַגלָייִם आत्मनिर्भर होना stajati na vlasititim nogama, biti neovisan megáll a saját lábán mandiri standa á eigin fótum (essere indipendente) 独立する 독립하다 pačiam susitvarkyti būt patstāvīgam; stāvēt uz savām kājām berdikari zelfstandig zijn stå på egne bein stać na własnych nogach ser independente a fi pe propriile picioare быть самостоятельным stáť na vlastných nohách stati na lastnih nogah biti samostalan ยืนด้วยลำแช้งตัวเอง; ทำได้ด้วยตัวเองโดยไม่ขอความช่วยเหลือจากคนอื่น kendi ayakları üzerinde durmak 獨立自主 стати на ноги کسی کی مدد کے بغیر اپنے معاملات حل کرنا tự đứng trên đôi chân của tớ 自力,自理stand out1. to be noticeable. She stood out as one of the prettiest girls in the school. opvallendste يَبْرُز، يَظْهَر отличавам се destacar-se vynikat herausragen skille sig ud ξεχωρίζω silma paistma ممتاز بودن erottua ressortir לִבלוֹט स्पष्ट दिखाई देना isticati se kimagaslik menonjol vera áberandi spiccare, emergere 目立つ 뛰어나다 išsiskirti izcelties menonjol opvallenskille seg ut fra, være noe for seg selv wyróżniać się destacar-se a se detaşa выделяться vynikať izstopati isticati se utmärka sig เป็นที่สังเกต; เด่น göze çarpmak, sivrilmek 出色 виділятися, вирізнятися قابل توجہ ہونا nổi trội lên 出色2. to go on resisting or to refuse to yield. The garrison stood out (against the besieging army) as long as possible. weier om op te gee يُقاوِم، يَرْفُض الإسْتِسْلام удържам resistir držet se aushalten holde ud αντιστέκομαι, αρνούμαι να υποχωρήσω vastu panema به مرخصي رفتن vastustaa tenir bon/ferme להחזיק מעמד मुकाबला करना izdržati do kraja, ustrajati ellenáll bertahan halda út resistere 屈しない 타협하지 않다 priešintis turēties pretī; nepadoties bertahan volhoudenholde ut stawiać opór resistir a rezista держаться, не уступать držať sa kljubovati istrajati hålla stånd ต่อต้าน direnmek 堅持抵抗,拒絕投降 не здаватися, триматися مزاحم ہونا chống lại, kiên trì chống cự 坚持抵抗,拒绝投降stand overto supervise closely. I have to stand over him to make him do his schoolwork. dophou, toesig hou يُراقِب عن قُرْب наблюдавам vigiar de perto dohlížet beaufsichtigen stå over επιτηρώ, επιβλέπω (kellelgi) silma peal hoidma بر كار كسي نظارت كردن valvoa surveiller לְהַשגִיחַ कड़ाई से निगरानी करना nadgledati ellenőriz (vkit) mengawasi hafa umsjón með controllare 監督する 감시하다 saugoti, prižiūrėti kontrolēt; pārraudzīt; sekot memerhatikan toezicht houden opovervåke, stå overpilnować, stać nad vigiar de perto a supraveghea îndeaproape стоять над душой dozerať gledati pod prste kontrolisati hålla efter ตรวจตรา gözünden ayırmamak, başında durmak 監督 контролювати نگرانی کرنا quản lí ngặt nghèo 监督stand up forto tư vấn or defend. She stood up for him when the others bullied him. ondersteun يُدافِع عَن، يُؤَيِّد защитавам defender stát za eintreten für forsvare υπερασπίζομαι (kellegi) kaitseks välja astuma مورد حمايت قرار دادن puolustaa prendre le parti de לְהַגֵן का पक्ष लेना, का समर्थन करना pristajati uza što, zauzeti se za támogat vkit membela styðja, verja sostenere, ~を守る 지지하다 palaikyti, remti atbalstīt; aizstāvēt mempertahankan opkomen voorstøtte, stille opp for stawać w obronie defender a lua partea отстаивать stáť za potegniti se za braniti försvara, hålla på สนับสนุน; ปกป้อง savunmak, tarafını tutmak 支持 захищати, відстоювати تاءید کرنا یا دفاع کرنا về phe với, ủng hộ 支持stand up toto show resistance to. He stood up to the bigger boys who tried to bully him; These chairs have stood up to very hard use. weerstand bied يُقاوِم، يُواجِه، يُدافِع عن حُقوقِه опълчвам се resistir vzdorovat sich widersetzen modstå; klare ορθώνω το ανάστημά μου, αντιστέκομαι vastu hakkama, vastu pidama جلوي كسي در آمدن nousta vastarintaan, sietää tenir tête à לַעֲמוֹד בִּפנֵי सहना, डट कर सामाना करना hrabro stati nasuprot ellenáll (vkinek, vminek) melawan bjóða (e-m) birginn resistere 抵抗する (~에) 용감히 맞서다 atsilaikyti prieš pretoties; izturēt bertahan doorstaan klare seg bra mot/under przeciwstawiać się, wytrzymywać resistir a rezista la противостоять; выдерживать vzdorovať kljubovati odoleti sätta sig upp mot, stå emot โต้แย้ง direnmek, karşı koymak 勇敢地面對,抵抗 сміливо зустрічати مزاحمت کرنا dũng cảm đương đầu với 勇敢地面对,抵抗Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
مِنْبَر, يَقِفُ stát, tribuna stå, tilskuertribune stehen, Tribüne κερκίδες, στέκομαι estar en pie, graderías katsomo, seisoa être debout, gradin stajati, štandovi bancarelle, stare in piedi スタンド, 立つ 서다, 판매대 staan, tribunes stå, stillstand stoiska, wstać arquibancada, bancada, ficar em pé стоять, трибуна läktare, stå ยืน, อัฒจันทร์ dikilmek, tribün chỗ đứng, đứng 展台, 站立Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
n. sitio, puesto, situación;vi. ponerse o estar de pie; sostenerse;___ on your toes pararse en la punta de los pies;to ___ back retroceder;to ___ still no moverse, estarse quieto-a.English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
- Where is the taxi stand? أَيْنَ يوجَدُ مَوْقِفُ التاكْسي؟ Kde je stanoviště taxi? Hvor er taxaholdepladsen? Wo ist der Taxistand? Πού είναι η πιάτσα των ταξί; ¿Dónde está el paradero de taxis? Missä on taksipysäkki? Où se trouve la borne de taxis ? Gdje je taksi stajalište? Sa indicarmi dov’è il posteggio dei taxi? タクシー乗り場はどこですか? 택시 서는 곳은 어디에 있나요? Waar is de taxistandplaats? Hvor er drosjeholdeplassen? Gdzie jest postój taksówek? Onde é o ponto de táxi? Где стоянка такси? Var ligger taxistationen? ที่หยุดรอแท็กซี่อยู่ที่ไหน? Taksi durağı nerede? Bãi đậu taxi ở đâu? 出租车站台在哪里?
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
(pret & pp stood) vt (to endure) aguantar, tolerar; vi (to be standing) estar de pie, estar parado; (to stand up) levantarse, pararse, ponerse de pie; Avoid standing for long periods of time..Evite estar de pie por períodos largos…Now stand (up).. Ahora levántese.English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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