Hướng Dẫn News review example 2022 Chi tiết

Mẹo Hướng dẫn News review example 2022 2022

You đang tìm kiếm từ khóa News review example 2022 được Cập Nhật vào lúc : 2022-03-10 08:21:00 . Với phương châm chia sẻ Kinh Nghiệm về trong nội dung bài viết một cách Chi Tiết 2022. Nếu sau khi đọc Post vẫn ko hiểu thì hoàn toàn có thể lại Comments ở cuối bài để Tác giả lý giải và hướng dẫn lại nha.

Thủ Thuật Hướng dẫn News review example Chi Tiết

Pro đang tìm kiếm từ khóa News review example được Cập Nhật vào lúc : 2022-03-10 08:21:10 . Với phương châm chia sẻ Bí quyết Hướng dẫn trong nội dung nội dung bài viết một cách Chi Tiết 2022. Nếu sau khi Read Post vẫn ko hiểu thì hoàn toàn hoàn toàn có thể lại Comments ở cuối bài để Ad lý giải và hướng dẫn lại nha.

Whether you are a high school or college student, writing article reviews is a challenging assignment. If not already assigned by a professor, one is faced with the task of culling a myriad of sources to select a suitable article. When the preparatory stage is over, it’s time to write. If you want to have a broad idea of what your paper should look like, study our article review examples.

Select an article review sample that heeds closely to your writing instructions. Use is as a template for outlining and later writing your own paper. Read the introduction to understand whether the review provides a summary or a critique of the source material. Then, follow the author’s format while making sure you faithfully reflect the content of the article. To make your points stronger, introduce one or two direct quotes in your writing. Do not forget to write a conclusion that makes a judgment as to how well-researched and useful the article is for either the field of study or your research objectives.

If you do not have time to go through all stages of article review writing, use our assistance. We can provide you with a comprehensive article review – on any topic whatsoever – in just a few hours.

Efficient leadership makes a great impact on employees and contributes to the overall development of the company by sharing the same principles, creating a vision and building a strong team of professionals. There are many different leadership styles with detailed description, however, a true leader should take the best of each while managing the company. In this regard the new leadership style – management by walking around has been defined as the most credible. It applies to the position of a nursing leader, as one should constantly be on the move and fulfill the given responsibilities.

This leadership style …

Article APA Citation: Sachs, J. D., & Warner, A. M. (1999). The big push, natural resource booms and growth. Journal of Development Economics, 59, 43-76. Retrieved February 13, 2022, from ://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0014-2921 (01)00125-8

Research Problem Addressed

The paper addresses the question of whether or not natural resource booms act as economic catalysts that low income countries can rely upon to overcome the fixed costs that come with the industrialization process as suggested by the big push reasoning. The authors’ main objective is to ascertain whether natural resource specialization by a country is an important strategy that can spur economic development. In this paper …

Gender is a term that can be interpreted in various ways. Initially, gender was known to be a synonym for women. The main reason behind this reasoning was the fact that the term gender and all gender studies carried out were mainly done to study women. They all had a feminine touch. Gender studies mainly began as a result of traditional invisibility associated with women. Their role in the society was limited. They were not involved in politics or any kind of leadership. As a result, women wanted to overcome this traditional invisibility, and this led to the beginning …

Elemnt 120

The new horizons in science mean new inventions and even new elements to be found. The modern techniques make the last thing not a dream but reality. In 2006 the scientific community has been prizing Russian and US scientist for their success in identification of 118th element (LeClair, 2006), which was the newest super-heavy element. This was performed on the in Dubna, Russia through observation of atomic decay, indicating that the observed element 116 was produced via the alpha decay of element 118. This is was the second data this element was declared to be synthesized, but this time …

Comfort food has been described as those food preferences developed during childhood which evoke pleasant memories in adults (Stein 412). Stein in his article explores the reasons behind these comfort food preferences as to how they are developed and what makes them evoke pleasant memories. According to the article, often either physiological or psychological needs are play when an individual craves for a specific food. Certain food, when eaten, releases trace amounts of mood elevating opiates. Physiology comes into play here. Similarly, psychology also affects our food choices. Childhood experiences play a vital role in determining an individual’ …

In human interaction, communication is a complicated pack of unspoken and spoken behaviors that occurs several human interaction levels. The author views the classroom as an essential principle of learning and teaching process for communication clarity in a classroom. He views the classroom as a social learning context since interaction is key to education and learning where the teacher and the students are the participants. He says that between the second language acquisition and classroom interaction, there is a strong bond.

There are many turn-taking processes which include: the IRF pattern, pauses and silences, interactions and overlaps, mutual …

Sanchez, D., Steece-Doran, D., & Jablon, J. (2013). Planning for positive guidance. Teaching Young Children, 6(2), 8-10. Retrieved from ://.naeyc.org/tyc/article/planning-for-positive-guidance

The article entitled Planning for Positive Guidance speaks of the effort of teachers to become role models as they reach out to their students. The main purpose of the study is to implement positive guidance in the classroom with the use of the three powerful steps of interaction which are: to be present, to connect and to extend learning. The interaction method was implemented in a classroom of preschool children in Pahoa, Hawaii.

In trying to implement the three …

1. Introduction. Digital signal processing is a very mathematical subject so main mathematical ideas should be outlined to ensure a successful learning.

2. Algebra. Algebra is a systematic notation of quantitative relationship between expressions divided (or joint) by the sign ‘=’ and the collection of rules to manipulate such expressions and values (variables) they contain.

3. Functions, Numbers, and Graphs. Functions are used to denote relations (dependencies) between variables: if one variable depends on another, then the latter variable is called the independent variable, while the former is called the value of the function. If we use the horizontal axis …

1- What is the complete journal name? What is the Medline abbreviation for your journal?

Epidemiologic Reviews

Epidemiol Rev.

2- Is the journal associated with any association, if so which one?

No, but is associated with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

3- Who publishes the journal? How often is the journal published?

The publisher of this journal is Oxford University Press.

It is published annually.

4- What types of articles are published in the journal?

Articles that explore issues related to epidemiology are published in this journal.

5- Who is the intended audience for this journal?

The target audience for this journal is scientists within the epidemiologic realm as well as …

Though often forgotten by the nursing community and the medical community in general, major depressive disorder is important to address for several reasons. Firstly, it is the most common mental disorder among older adults residing in the United States, as well as worldwide. It is also associated with a handful of other debilitating impairments related to physical and psychiatric health that may be considered more serious. These side effects often force major depressive disorder to take a backseat when a patient is being diagnosed; a doctor may not notice the symptoms. If nurses are trained to notice the signs, …

Article Review

Article Review

I review such article as “Gender Flux: Transatlantic Influence on Fashioning the Cross-dresser in American Silent Cinema” by author Ricardo E. Zulueta. It has been published in the journal “The Journal of Dress, Body and Culture” in 2015.

It should be noted, that until now, there is no single view of the nature of gender. On the one hand, gender is associated with the models, which are developed for the scientific description of the problems associated with gender issues. On the other hand, gender may be considered as a social phenomenon, which is created by people in …

Reading Response

The use of the term deconstruction in design journalism dates back to the mid-1980s. This paper is a reading response to an article that analyzes this term in the context of what Jacques Derrida, the initiator of the deconstruction theory did. Deconstruction is decisive mindset interested in the kinship between a text and its meaning. According to the article, Derrida in his book views deconstruction as a manner of questioning alongside the use of metaphors in representation. He perceives any memory as another form of writing since it allows for future retrieval. Derrida claims that language, being a combination …

The overall structure is easy to follow, and it emphasizes on using and interpreting four financial ratios DuPont model; particularly: Sales Performance, leverage, sales of assets and return on equality. For scholars, the case can be consider appropriate due to the way indexes are used for evaluation of the financial performance of an organization for one year. They also provided reports for a better understanding of business models of an organization through the margins, which provides a better understanding of gaining productivity through application of provided assets. The case, however, stems from the obvious principles, which emphasize that “RE …

In this article, we assert that the main problem faced by sports teams is achieving proper team coordination so that when players are in the field they play effectively. Our view is that effective communication is the best tool that team players can apply to ensure proper coordination. In the article, we provide techniques that should be put in place during both practice and competition to achieve coordination among players.

We define team coordination as the way the actions of team members are arranged when they are put together to ensure the most effective results. The actions of players …



The basic principles of Economics might seem very primitive for someone. Even though, they usually easily describe the basic principles of life. The well known demand – supply balance works in every field of our life starting from buying stuff the grocery store to searching for a person to spend your life with.

Article description

In this essay I would like to discuss the article written by Bob Davis called “The Thorny Economics of Illegal Immigration” from the Wall Street Journal. This article is about the issues that appeared as a result of an immigration policy that was invented …

Stephen Shore has a variety of different works to consider with a number of different subjects. As I was looking through some of the images in “The Nature of Photographs,” I wondered to myself if the photographs would have the same impact if they were in black and white instead of color or color instead of black and white, depending on the photo. Color is often used in photographs because that is what we see in real life. However, the first photographs were in black and white. Now that it is an option, it becomes a part of the …

2 Pages

The issue of trực tuyến credit card fraud has become one of the major crimes that can easily be committed using the internet. Due to the lack of policies and laws to prevent the crime, the number of victims continuous to increase since most sale transactions can be completed trực tuyến using the internet. Online credit card fraud poses damage to the public but requires federal legislation to prevent future crimes. There is lack of corrective mechanisms to deter the proliferation of the trực tuyến credit card fraud to prevent damage to future victims.

The article of Segal, Ngugi & Mana (2011) explains …

Recent scandals involving the corruption of some of the biggest companies in the world has forced the public to call for the teaching of business ethics universities. Some of the biggest scandals have included Saytam, Lehman brothers, Bernie Madoff, American Insurance Scandal, Freddie Mac, HealthSouth, Tyco, Worldcom, Enron and the Waste Management; the start of an endless list. It is hoped that ethical training will train students make better decisions however it does not address the realities of most organizations. Business ethics is useless in the face of problems with the governance and structures of an organization. It …

Current Event Review: November 2015 Paris Attacks

Summary of the sự kiện and background

The sự kiện took place on November 13, 2015. It was a night when thousands of Paris residents and tourists were busy revelling and the fans enjoying a soccer match where France national team was playing the world champions, Germany. In this sự kiện, gunmen and suicide bombers carried out a series of attacks in the French capital, Paris. The attackers were able to hit a concert hall, a major stadium, some restaurants and bars almost simultaneously. The outcome of the sự kiện left 130 people dead and hundreds wounded. The nation went to tears, with …

The Skull, an episode of Radiolab, tells the story of Taung Child. The hosts Robert Krulwich and Jad Abumrad interview two very knowledgeable guests to find out about the discovery of Taung Child, its similarities and differences to modern humans, the way it influenced our understanding of human ancestors, and the theories behind the cause of its death.

Taung Child is the skull fossil that was discovered in 1920s in Taung, an area on the southern edge of Kalahari dessert in South Africa (Radiolab). Back in the 1920s, this patch of land was a very popular destination for European …


It is evident that there are often different approaches when childbearing is considered by different racial or technical groups. Even though race seems to be controlled by in the analysis, the way that racial and cultural differ subjects interprets the childbearing question may have been a limitation in the study. It is, however, important to note that three different races comprised four observational coders according to the authors. Global ratings of parenting are obviously very subjective.

However, associations that involve authoritative parenting use of behavioral control, and healthy psychological development have been found in different cultures and subcultures. Yet …

Article about globalism has attracted me because of its actuality, because we can observe globalism’s development every day around us. However, after finishing this reading, there was a mismatch between my expectations about content and actual situation. Main conclusion of this paper is that globalization is a powerful process which has not been managed in right way. It caused great imbalance in economic situations of different countries and continues destructive practices. Different meanings of globalization caused differences in its managing and in the end polarized countries instead of uniting. Author is dealing with social problems as poverty and …

The key players in the case include Leon Lassiter, Ed Wilson, Ted Vassici, and Simon Kovecki. Leon Lassiter was the VP Marketing and Membership. Lassiter’s roles included marketing and sales management. Later, other roles of communication, graphic arts, and printing operations were also assigned to him. Ed Wilson title was VP Public Affairs, and he was in charge of environment and energy issues of the company, coordination of legislative teams, office systems management, and reception. Ted Vassici was a hardware and software consultant; his duty was to review MSCC’s system, propose additional changes and update the custom …

Article 1

“Society`s Storyteller: How TV Creates the Myths by Which We Live”

This article talks about the hidden impact television has on people. The author argues that television shapes the human view of the world, which might have quite a dangerous effect. It is important to note that this article was written in 1992, when television was the peak of the mass truyền thông. Today the situation has changed dramatically since more than twenty years have passed since then. Therefore, this article should be analyzed carefully, considering all the recent changes in the truyền thông sphere.

I liked the idea that “ …

Advertising’s 15 Basic Appeals

In the article “Advertising’s 15 Basic Appeals” Jib Fowles describes fifteen appeals that are usually used by the advertisers in order to attract attention of the audience. One of the tasks of the advertisers is to create an ad that would boost the desires and motives of a person and provide this person with the information about the product. Nowadays the people are overloaded with the advertisements and only 12 advertisements produce a reaction during the day. Therefore the ads have to be well-thought and catchy in order to be effective. There are several appeals which advertisers use …

Article Review

Article Reference

Sekerka, L.E., Comer, D.R., Godwin, L.N., (2013). Positive Organizational Ethics: Cultivating and Sustaining Moral Performance. Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. – 435-444.


What is essential to learn from the article is how to turn human failings into perspective prosperous future of the organization. It is also interesting to find out what distinguishes ethical and unethical organizational behavior.

Most important is the fact that the authors of the article do not just close the subject for further discussion. On the contrary they specify what questions would help researches advance in their studies.


I might disagree with the authors of …

The Miracle In Front of You Jamie Lynnn Schuster’s recent article titled “Miracle In Front Of You” interviews pediatric oncologist and Duke University Professor Raymond Barfield on the intersection of medicine, philosophy and theology and his views on integrating palliative care for children and adults alike. In this interview, Barfield speaks of his personal background, history and underlying philosophy that guides his research and work with pediatric cancer patients. He also speaks on his current medical research which examines immune therapies and quality of life issues for children with terminal illness. He also speaks on how his doctoral work …

Brief Introduction and Importance to Mental Health Nursing

The article entitled “Recovery in Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD): A Qualitative Study of Service Users’ Perspectives” written by Katsakou, Marougka, Barnicot, White, & Lockwood (2012) presented an exploration of the perception of recovery from individuals diagnosed with BPD, classified as service users, or those contracting professional mental health treatment. The study had been pursued due to the lack of clear understanding of the manner by which persons diagnosed with BPD attained their respective personal recovery goals and were deemed to be consistent with the recovery goals or clinical improvements provided by mental health practitioners. The study is considered important …

The topic of my natural resource studies through the lens of the various types of periodicals covers the most essential and frequently endangered water resources.

The first academic resource analyses global hydrological cycles are rather up- to-date despite the fact that it was issued in 2006. The point of the author is based upon the premise of water being a naturally rechargeable circulating resource, which is therefore posed under the hazardous influence of non-efficient water resources assessments. The problem with renewable freshwater resources remains fierce for more than two billion residents of the poorly supplied areas. The author assumes …

Introduction to Social research

Earl Babbie has begun with the logical reasoning based assertions which are often used to justify ones stand in sociological context. He gives the example of malnutrition of black athletes and AIDS for gays to explain that the relation between the stated assertion and reasoning often defaults on logical parameters. He has explained that examples quoted above are merely a lopsided generalization of those assumptions which might be true for a very limited number of cases in reality (Babbie, 2001). For example, due to excessive Islamic extremism the Middle East and Asian countries are suspicious of general Muslims to …

Doug Baldwin’s article, A Study in Social Control: The Life of the Silver Miner in Northern Ontario, presents a complete sociological examination of the relationship between capitalist enterprises and the social hierarchy that it serves. Baldwin’s work, although overly historical in the preface of the article, thoroughly explains the causal dependencies in regard to the development of a micro-culture. The article demonstrates that similar mechanisms also propel larger groups to societies and that there are analogous instances that can be seen through each stage of development. Baldwin is an academic writer who does express the intended ideas …

Cook, Burton and Hoogenboom (2006) wrote a two-part series on the significance of fundamental movement patterns as indicators of functionality among athletes. Fundamental movements comprise those movements that are common to many sports activities. The authors argued that optimal fundamental movement patterns ensure competence and efficiency because the body toàn thân toàn thân does not need to compensate during the performance of athletic activities (Cook, Burton & Hoogenboom, 2006). For this reason, the risk of injury, repeat injury, and diminished performance in the long-term are reduced. The authors proposed pre-participation screening for fundamental movements, instead of just evaluating the ability to perform the skills …

The major health and safety concern facing Riordan Manufacturing is the manner in which the company is protecting its employees, as well as the environment from the hazardous chemicals that are utilized in the making plastics. As a company that is dedicated to success, it is important to ensure that employees are not exposed to the devastating effects of the chemicals of production. Rather than focusing on profits only, the company needs to furnish employees with a safe and healthy working environment. Moreover, the employees of Riordan are vulnerable to accidents owing to the lack of conversancy in operating …

This news article is about the anti-Islam rally, which was held in Dearborn, Michigan. The public protesters assembled to complete one of the planned 20-weekend rallies near mosques across the United States. It was a protest over their opposition to the coming of Syrian refugees, as well as against what they claim to be the danger brought about by the Muslim faith. The rally was met with counter-protest that made the city officials concerned about the sự kiện because both groups “brandished AK47 or AR15 rifles”(Warikoo). Nevertheless, the protest went on peacefully and the message that stuck came from …

Before an individual opts to pursue a particular area of specialty, he or she considers various forces and elements. The factors are termed as the labor market instigators. The motivators affect the results of undergraduates’ decisions concerning different subjects. They are important to the students and in making public policies. The interests are dictated by the level of employability in the social discourse and in the proposals to direct governmental funding in tư vấn of different specializations. Davies et.al, (2013), directs its focus towards the labor market motivations in England to provide a generalized format of understanding the choice of …

Article Review


This paper attempts to provide a discussion on the choice of the field of study the undergraduate level based on a research article that investigates the choice of subject and the factors affecting the choice . We discuss how student background and the motivations influence the subject choice. In doing so we have also discussed how the motivation is affected by the student’s social, economic and ethnic background. The implications of the result for policy purposes have also been discussed. We find that two issues like student’s ability and interests and the social contribution of a …

1. Briefly articulate the main ideas of the theoretical reading(s). The goal here is not a litany or summary of the article(s), but to demonstrate your critical understanding and interpretation of the main thesis.

The article discusses the growing concern that has been given to the impact that people have had on the environment and the effect that this has on the perceived relationship between man and nature. The article goes on to indicate that there is a needed shift in the view that people have with nature. This is due to the effect that this view …

OutSider from The Weather Company is definitely not an outsider, but a very interesting app and one of the most superior on the market today. It content is unique, only Runtastic Pro has “Current weather” option and none offers personalized forecasting, but they develop and in 2-3 years could outdo it. TWC has organized a great data flow including the personal stations, so this data flow advantage is obvious. However, Android user cannot value it, still the number of smartphones on these platform only increases. The competitors stay and develop, but as OutSider has a lot to offer it …

[Enter Student Name]

[Enter University Name]

The Mediation Privilege

In this article review, I will summarize the main points of “The Mediation Privilege,” give a key analysis of the author’s main points, and personally apply the article to my own life.

In Marcia S. Cohen’s article, “The Mediation Privilege,” Cohen does a fantastic job providing the reader a firm definition of the concept of the mediation privilege (Cohen, 2013). Specifically, Cohen defines privileged mediation as “the protection from disclosure of confidential communications in mediation (Cohen, 2013).” Cohen describes specific sections of the Uniform Mediation Act, including sections that allow …


The article is about the effects of research boom into other industry such as the Jacob and the non-traded goods. The problem is that other sectors are also Mathematical models are used to determine the quantity of money being generated by the three industries due to the key variables which are land, labor, and capital. Also, land use is only used in export industries to establish the outcome of the situation. The article concluded that research boom destroyed market balance; change the prices of other commodities due unstable exchange rate, both the non-traded and imported goods.


The article to …

Schools of ethical thinking in Ancient China

Ancient China had four schools of ethical thinking. These schools include Confucianism, Daoism, Mohism and Legalism. Confucianism proposes that the state must have moral character. This is to inspire virtue in its people. Mohist ethical theory believes in universal care for one another (Skorupski 12). Legalist ethical theory proposes that the state should pursue external goods such as order, prosperity and dominance. It incorporates punishment for crimes. Daoists believe in shadowy presence of rulers. It proposes pattern-based political programs. I believe legalism can best giảm giá with ethical decision and analysis as it’s premised on the rule of law. …

I know there are several states in the USA, which legalized prostitution. For example, this job is legal in some counties of Nevada. It’s a crime in New-York, as I know. Prostitution is a practice where sexual relations are exchanged for money. If chief and employees of Rentboy were involved in something like that, they should be charged as described in the article. It looked like site really promoted the prostitution. For example, on of its clients Edward Lorenz Estanol mentioned on his own site that “escorting is a great way to explore your sexuality and get paid …

Florence Nightingale’s legacy has influenced many peoples view regarding nursing and the nurses’ perception of the millennium goals. I am one of those greatly intrigued in terms of insight and perception. The eight millennium goals developed by the world leaders in the U.N reflect on the noble work of Florence Nightingale. It is amazing how she could have visualized about the solution to many problems that are even haunting us today, back then. She must have been very visionary (Wagstaff, 2004).

Her concern about taking the practice of nursing to a whole different level was a great idea. …

Nobody likes losing things, but the outcome of any loss can always be measured on a basis of what is remaining. The loss of species from the Earth is important humanity, but the impact can only be realized if a view in proportional terms and from perspectives of what is remaining is considered. To estimate the importance of the current extinction rates, it is important to appraise the number of species that occupy the earth’s surface.

Among the most surprising things about science is the little information we have. It is amusing that one can assume that biologists …

The following article brings attention of a reader to many problematic topics. Frankly speaking, all of them are very interesting and still relevant till this day.

The most impressive topic is a sex tourism. This type of tourism can be banned in some countries, but still it stays legal in many of them. It is widespread in poor countries, as for many people it is the only way of making money. Tourists, that are looking for something exotic can find here a lot of ways of spending vacation. Of course, for some of us it seems to be wrong, …

White attitude privilege and religion

‘White privilege: A history of the concept’ by Jacob Bennett is a paper that discusses in detail the emergence and spread of the term ‘white privilege.’ Originally the term was coined in the 20th century by Peggy McIntosh. The paper basically explores how the term white privilege evolved in American history and how the meaning has changed from its original context. Also, the research in the paper is aimed understanding the use and popular conception of the term in all academic fields as well as popular culture. The meaning of the phrase has changed drastically from what the …

Driverless Car

Financial managers of huge corporations are aimed increasing the value of their shareholders. This goal requires managers to combine paying dividends to shareholders as well as increasing the long term sustainability and profitability of a company. In many cases financial managers of such companies are ready to do everything to maximize their investments and projects so that the position of their company could improve in recent years (Forbes, 2022).

A great example of the corporate finance in real life could be presented by Japanese automobile company Mazda. The company has introduced its most innovative project of renewed Mazda …

Article review

What is the name of the article you read and who is the author?

The name of the article is “Is Diet Soda Girly?” and the author is Libby Copeland.

Summarize the thesis or primary claim of the article.

In this article the author describes the gender division in marketing. Many marketing companies produce gender-specific products. Many of these products attract consumers’ attention because of colors (e.g. pink for women and blue for men) and trigger words (e.g. “Be a man. Use *** shampoo” and so on). So, women do not buy things ‘for men’, and men also do not …

In the article “Myofibroblast Expression In Airways And Alveoli Is Affected By Smoking And COPD”, the authors, Henna M Karvonen, Siri T Lehtonen, Terttu Harju, Raija T Sormunen, Elisa Lappi-Blanco, Johanna M Mäkinen, Kirsi Laitakari, Shirley Johnson and Riitta L Kaarteenaho discussed about the role of myofibroblasts in the development of COPD. The main features of COPD are the destruction of the walls of alveoli and fibrosis of the airways. As a result, the air spaces enlarge and there is a subsequent decrease in the ability of the lungs to function normally. Myofibroblasts present in the alveoli and …

Using the functionalism approach, Monica Langley attempt to provide insight on why and how the Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, use attacks as one of his chiến dịch strategies. In this view, Langley looks for the underlying cause of Trump’s behavior and the mental processes involved. In her research, he investigates the causes of the Trump’s attacking behavior using the objective procedure of interview, predictions and explanations. The fundamental goal of this journal is to analyze behind-the-scenes to determine how Donald Trump personal formulates his attack strategy.

The journal is relevant to the course because it provides applicability of several …

The Latin American countries have for a long time waged war against imperialism and neo-colonialism by the developed countries. In the heart of neo-colonialism is capitalist imperialism that is characterized by predatory activities of countries that seek to reap big from the less developed country’s resources. Despite the fact that Canada does not regard itself as a capitalistic nation, its large-scale involvement in mining investments in Latin America gives quite a different picture. The mining industry has always been frowned upon and although it is one of the most lucrative businesses, its eventual effect on the population and …

Article Review


The topic of the article is the analysis of the concept of transaction cost economics based on various sources of practical and academic nature.


The problem highlighted by the researchers exists since the inception of the theory of transaction costs – while such costs undoubtedly exist, it may be quite challenging to quantify and predict such costs within a mathematical or statistical model of any given case.


The methodology of the researchers may be considered by all means innovative. Instead of analyzing particular situations and attempting to draw an equation for the quantification of transaction costs, …

In 2002, the adoption of the Sarbanes Oxley act transformed the performance of the business units the market and influence the business ethics of the companies. The author of the article “The Unexpected Benefits of Sarbanes-Oxley” stipulates that initial aim of the adoption of the legal acts was to overcome the fraud in order to improve the credibility of the companies (Wagner, 2006). First of all, all the companies within the territory of the country has faced the necessity to report about its activity to the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, while the majority of the business units …

TEP Delivery and Distribution

TEP is facing delivery reliability is declining, along with its falling productivity and increase in the number of finished goods in warehouses. Overall, the TEP delivery mechanism is being challenged with several distributors complaining about several deliveries of one order, ranging for several weeks. Clearly, TEP needs to re-evaluate their re-order levels and ensure they can match distributor needs. Distributors suffer due to the current levels of delivery failures as they need to fulfill their orders on time. Due to the current delivery system utilized by TEP, distributors are faced with an increase in handling and administrative expenses and …

Chuang and Liao (2010) in their article, titled “Strategic Human Resource Management in Service Context: Taking Care of Business by Taking Care of Employees and Customers” investigated the interrelation between human resource practices and the performance of the organization in the context of service quality. The authors extended the literature devoted to this topic by incorporating a set of specific types of organizational climate and spheres of employees’ behavior. The most significant contribution of the paper is providing the suggestion regarding the capability of human resources practices of high-performance work systems, also known as HPWS, to facilitate climates of …

Hargis and Bradley (2011) in their article, titled “Strategic Human Resource Management in Small Growing Firms: Aligning Valuable Resources,” are making analysis of most common selection, recruitment, compensation, and training practices typically applied by the owners of small business and representing the interpretation of a human resource management model grounded on small and growing enterprises’ operating needs.

Firstly, the notion of the human resource management practice is being explored in the paper; the term is used for describing an approach of designing, developing, and implementing interconnected people management practices that impact on the effectiveness of attracting applicants, keeping fruitful …

The Effects of Deployment on Families

What are the effects of deployment on military families? Deployment is the action of moving or relocating military personnel and materials to a different location. For service individuals and military families this act can be devastating and require adjustments that frequently have detrimental effects on all family members psychological, physical, and cognitive wellbeing. For this paper two articles will be analyzed to determine key concepts that are commonly discussed in both articles; strengths and weaknesses in both article’s scholarship; the significance of both articles to clinical practice with military affiliated families; analyze if and how articles classify into …

(the author’s name)

(the institutional affiliation)

The article establishes the study aimed investigating the relationship among evidence-based practice (EBP) and outcomes in case of client pain, dyspnea, falls and pressure ulcer found in the home care setting. In this regard EBP is set as “nursing interventions based on best practice guidelines” (Doran et al., 2014, p… 274). The research question is tư vấn by quantitative study in which data collection measures and procedures are supplied with structural and process variables as independent, which cause changes in outcome variables as dependent. The study purpose clearly addresses the health-related problem …

The countries in East Asia and South East Asia have had the highest economic growth rates in comparison with the countries from the countries of the other regions of the world. 13 countries in East and South Asia grew 7% and higher for least 25 years.

In more detail, GDP growth by region in 1960-2006 equaled as follows: Sub-Saharan Africa – 2.94%, East Asia & Pacific – 7.49%, South Asia – 4.63%, Latin America & Caribbean – 3.52%. The countries in East Asia are often described as “an East Asian Miracle”. However, their success was not something unlooked for. The governments of the …

Chapter Summaries

Chapter Summaries

For any business professional to succeed and become a competent and successful professional, he must possess good communication skills. Communication skills such as written communication, oral communication, and interpersonal communication are necessary to survive in today’s competitive era. The same fact also stands true for accounting professionals. According to the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), communication skills are and will remain in future as important a skill as any other professional skill. AICPA lists “effective business writing” as a necessary skill for competence in public accounting. Unfortunately, some of the entry level accountants do …


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